Fanfic Meme of the Year + Rec List

Jan 02, 2009 21:11

I did meme of the year about myself in 2008 a few days ago, and now I think I'm masochistic enough to do the one on fandoms and fanfiction respectively. I modeled it after the other one, and it's basically just me musing on my work and the works of others that I liked. Or... not so much. XDD

Fandom meme of the year )

gen, pb, lotr, naruto, p: sasuke/naruto, fanfiction, voldemort/tmr, harry potter, slash, kakasaku, het, fic rec, spn, doctor who, death note

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Comments 67

industrialgirl1 January 2 2009, 19:40:19 UTC
OMG, I would die if I had to make a list like this))) It's very shiny))
arguments with friends who bash her and claim she's a whiner with no personality.
D: Who dares bash Sakura? That makes me sad in my pants. D: But wow for having more than one female character listed! I'm impressed. XD
Congrats on having a finished WIP of the year. XD And I've gotta agree about 'Landslide'. I just love it))

I'm pretty sure only a lazy person hasn't read this yet.

...are you talking to me? Somehow I get the feeling that this sentence was meant for me. *is suspicious*

LOL at sasuxkishi. YOU PIMP, YOU! ;D


istne_pieklo January 2 2009, 19:48:16 UTC
I almost died too))))) I hate HTML)))
A friend of mine. She thinks Sakura sucks)))) I defended her as hard as I could.
Well... yes, three)))))))) Wow)))
Thank you! XDD From March to November - it was a scary thing to work on.
You're too suspicious for your own good, honey. ;)
SasuKishi must PWN!!!!


industrialgirl1 January 2 2009, 19:52:44 UTC
I firmly believe that HTML is an invention of NaruHina fanboys))) There's no other way))
Sakura is love)) And so are you for defending her.<3
Three female characters is very admirable darling))
And I'm not too suspicious. It's you we're talking about after all. XD
SasuKishi already DOES! :P


istne_pieklo January 2 2009, 19:58:29 UTC
I'm pretty sure you're right!!! It's the only plausible explanation I have for it!)))
Awww! <3
Tell that to the members of our awesome community who DON'T POST!!! T_____________T


sowell January 2 2009, 20:11:09 UTC
1) It makes me sad when people bash Sakura. :( She's so awesome!

2) I love Lunar, Solar! I can't remember if I ever left feedback - I suck majorly at feedbacking - but I love that fic. If I ever finish that Naruto rec list I've been making, it will be front and center.

3) Thanks for the rec. :)

4) I haven't read Gray Colored Happiness, but Scenes from a Story is my favorite Questy fic, too.


istne_pieklo January 2 2009, 20:15:20 UTC
Well, she's new to Naruto and a hardcore SasuNaru fan. I used to hate Sakura in part 1, but I never bash characters I dislike. I just dislike character bashing even more than I dislike some characters)))))
I think you did once. Thank you for that)))) I'm glad you like it. XDD
My pleasure. <3
I stumbled upon GCH by chance. I haven't seen it pimped anywhere, just found it through smn's favourites on FF-net. It surprised me.


helike January 2 2009, 20:15:12 UTC
SasuKishi for the win :P And that reminds me about this:


istne_pieklo January 2 2009, 20:19:13 UTC
I think I've seen this around))) But I don't really believe Kishi would be so open.


helike January 2 2009, 20:40:20 UTC
You could be surprised to know what "serious" people say sometimes >.>;; Remember that I know Jiraiya!professor, right? ^^;

But well... still a nice story :P


istne_pieklo January 2 2009, 20:47:44 UTC
Yeah, but still... That would be really awesome, though)))) *dares hope*


ootorotan January 2 2009, 20:36:19 UTC
I am stealing this from you latahz <3 Even though I fail at fanfiction this year Dx
Also, WHY AM I NOT A MEMBER OF SASUKISHI!? D: *kills self*


istne_pieklo January 2 2009, 20:38:49 UTC
YES!!! DO STEAL!!!)))
NO IDEA!!! This is the ultimate super-canon pairing of DOOM! XDDD The only problem is we're the only ones who post there from time to time...


ootorotan January 2 2009, 20:40:54 UTC

Mwah, I'll try to help you guys out when I'm done killing myself over my original >.<
I want to try my hands at SasuKishi xD


industrialgirl1 January 2 2009, 20:43:19 UTC


archfaith January 5 2009, 03:52:41 UTC
Hi there! You don't know me, but I wrote Ameliora, which you mentioned on your meme list. I found your journal by typing in "Ameliora" to Google (wanted to see if it was on any other websites).

I'm glad you liked it! And don't worry, it hasn't been abandoned. I've actually been working on the latest chapter this past weekend. Hopefully it will be up by the end of this week.


istne_pieklo January 5 2009, 09:34:55 UTC
Oh, hey! =))) I thought I might have recognized the username)))
I loved your fic very much. I don't remember if I reviewed (I usually do, but I read all chapters of that one at once at the time when I was supposed to be working. >_<) I haven't checked it since then; sorry that I thought it was abandoned))) It's really cool that I was wrong. =)) I'll be looking forward to the next chapter! <3


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