If this is how you intend on behaving, I may never let you poop again.

Oct 21, 2009 21:54

The damned dog flips the fuck out after I take him out to potty. Runs around in circles in our tiny apartment, tearing shit up for about 5 minutes after he gets that precious space in his ickle wee colon back. Alls I can say, is I can't wait to finally make the move to the new house. With yard. For Hawthsauce.

I'm starting to get utilities,etc set up at the house. Dish on Sunday, internet (OH SWEET JESUS, DELICIOUS DELICIOUS INTERNET) some time next week.

Glee gives me just that feeling! ANTM has just become background noise pre-Glee. I think it may be my irrational dislike for shorties (though with so many of them in the 5'7" realm, I'm likely just a smidge taller). Or could I be outgrowing it? I still make sure to catch it, but eh. I even have my faves this season- Bloody Eyeball, Laura and Jennifer, represent!

I'm freakin out about becoming one of THOSE government employees with the ever-expanding ass who has nothing to talk about besides who was eliminated on some crapathon. (As if reality tv talk is excusable if I worked back at a coffee shop.)

I'll take some photos of the house over the weekend, and try to post some as soon as our internet gets set up. This entry has been hell on my thumb knuckles.
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