The film tells the story of the identical twin gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray, two of the most notorious criminals in British history, and their organised crime empire in the East End of London during the 1960s.
I guess if you know nothing about the Kray twins Legend might be an interesting story about gang life in London during the swinging 60s, but it is a familiar story and the film holds very few surprises (except for a wild Paul Bettany who pops up, does a bit of shouting and torturing for a few minutes then disappears)
Basically, Tom Hardy is the main reason to watch the film. Once you get over trying to figure out how the filmmakers had him interacting with himself without seeing the joins you can settle down to enjoy his duel performance of the gay, mumbling, psychotic Ronnie and the charming, debonair Reggie. Two men who look alike but are opposite in nearly every other way.
The rest of the cast give good performances but are pretty much overshadowed by Hardy. Taron Edgerton as Ronnies boyfriend/sidekick basically replays his Kingsman role and Christopher Eccleston scowls as the copper trying to bring the twins to justice. Only Emily Browning as Reggies wife gives a slightly simpering performance and provides an irritating voiceover.
It all looks very good (the suit porn is off the charts!) but it is just too long, several times I was checking my watch waiting for the ZOMG!!1, but it never really kicked into top gear. Watch it for Hardys performance(s) but sadly, it just wasn't brilliant.
Jen rating: 6/10