OMFG, c'est moi!

Nov 13, 2008 18:57

I last left you with notice of my existence in January! What's 11 months in the great scheme of things anyway? Suffice to say, I'm alive and things are going well. I've probably left it a bit too late to update you about the myriad of activities I've undertaken to date this year, so I'll leave you with a succinct overview.

I finished exams on Tuesday, so 2nd year is out the way. No results from this semester as yet, but I'm pretty confident that 4 HD's are coming my way. Last semester I was 3 marks off that target. 2nd year was a panoply of compelling subject matter: Thermodynamics, Radiation, Acoustics, Earth and geo-physics, Quantum Mechanics, material physics and mechanics. I also managed to get in a philosophy subject on Modernism and Post-Modernism, as well as an Astronomy elective.

There were talks about staying on for another year and receiving both a physics and applied mathematics degree, but I've decided against that considering that I've managed to wriggle my way out of doing all but one maths subject for an entire physics degree; I should probably aspire to get in to honours instead; I've still got plenty of philology to get done and finally, I can't think of anything more sleep inducting than "non-linear optimisation & numerical solutions for differential equations". The only subject that was drawing me to this possibility was Algebra for Information Security. High end number theory, code cracking and such - it's a graduate level course that I can pick up later on if I choose, there's no reason to pick up an entire degree for it.

Getting back to Uni has not only given me a focus and drive that I haven't seen in years, it has also unveiled the brummagem that is the Melbourne club scene. I rarely grace my former weekend wasting, social hangouts. I don't miss the clubs but I do miss some, but not all of the people I rarely get the chance to see any more. I'm hoping (with various, currently uncontrollable possibilities permitting) to remedy that situation over the summer. Considering I've lost most of your phone numbers in the mighty phone crash of October '08, if you want to catch up at all over the next few months - give me a call.

For those of you who don't know already, Teletech and their sapient upper management team have deemed it necessary to cut costs yet again and move my job to the Philippines. I'm not too sure when this is happening, most likely mid December. Apart from needing to find a new job before Uni goes back I couldn't be happier about this decision. I was only staying there for the stability, lax rosters and the ability to vituperate the unwashed masses for a pay check. I'm getting a fat payout and may be heading to the Philippines to train my successors - at the companies expense of course.

My 26th was yesterday - thank you for all the birthday wishes. Both of my phones were ringing at quite an incredible rate. I needed to charge my mobile twice. Considering the time of year, ie. exam time, and the fact that 9 months ago every-ones parents were in a frenzy, yielding multiple birthdays on around mine; I decided to keep this one pretty quiet. We had tea at Ghurkah's. folterte will be happy I ate the goat and it was great. My best present so far (I'm happy to recieve belated gifts everyone) is the Klein bottle the physics kids brought for me:

That's about all I can be bothered writing at the present time. I'll endeavour to update a little more frequently in the future.

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