Ended up watching the Star Wars movie after all, which wasn't as much about The Force Awakening as in What the heck has the Force been doing, exactly? (Actually, should have gone in for Ip Man 3.) But eh, it was a corporate thing with free tickets.
Overall thoughts: more of the same, more of the same? It was kinda fun to watch it with a seven-year-old who kept asking who all those people were. Also, Kylo Ren is really more of an annoying spoilt brat who throws tantrums (throwing stuff around, really?) when things don't go his way - except for the part where he's also a mass murderer. It's terrible characterisation: he's neither scary, sadistic nor creepy enough - or angsty, if you're going for the other type of villain. Basically it means he kills off planets and they aren't even important enough to be a pawn on his chessboard. Verdict: waste of space, remembered only by his parents.
And why did Luke Skywalker take himself off to have a twenty-year-old sulk? Nobody knows, but it probably explains Ren. This is probably the reason why everyone is looking for Luke, so they can punch him in the face. Han Solo: still awesome. Finn and Rey, even more so. I was touched by the affection between them that grew up (if kind of fast) in between running away from other stormtroopers and hiding away on the Millennium Falcon and running away from gangster-eating monsters. I think they split Luke's characteristics between them: Finn getting the "shoot down pursuers" chops and Rey the Jedi thingummy. Which is a bit... more of the same. That's a bit disappointing, despite my hopes for these two characters.
Leia: eh. I like that moment when it looks like she realises that Han had died? It appealed to the romantic in me. The Resistance otherwise seems really meh. Seven yo asked why Ren (Ben?) was so dog-in-the-mangerish about Luke's lightsaber, after all, didn't he own a cool red one himself? Good question, kid, and this is a teachable moment about why you should share stuff. And also not throw tantrums and destroy your room.
Also, my god, another Death Star? And Finn, if you could think better of being a stormtrooper, so could some of your ex-colleagues. Except they are now dead. Which is a bummer. And even if they were intent on being good little stormtroopers how could Finn not have even a qualm about discussing how to blow them up? In other news, considering that the rebel factions didn't really seem that suspicious of Finn (despite Poe's assurances, I'd have assumed he was a plant or a spy), perhaps there has been a steady stream of deserters and asylum seekers all along. They can form a club within the Resistance called Death Star survivors, about which we will find out in Episode 8. Also, now I find the line "May the Force be with you" to be incredibly mawkish because damn, you don't get to blow up a planet where zillions died and then end with that.
Seven yo referred to BB8 as BBQ. What I want to know is how does BB8's head stay on top?
Overall, not bad.
Decagram series, Seishirou/Subaru, Tokyo Babylon, X/1999 by AKK. It's been a long while since I've read a really satisfying TB/X future fic, a category which often by necessity is also an AU.
Chapter 31 of All the Best and Brightest Creatures, AU, Sherlock/John, WIP, by Wordstrings
Chapter 5 of Safeguard, Harry Potter/Avengers/Iron Man crossover, WIP, by esama.
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