The Movie Channel this evening will be airing the Oscar-nominated documentary, "Sicko", Michael Moore's film about the health insurance industry.
With the debate raging in Washington, D.C. -- Republicans trying to scuttle it and nearly a hundred members of Congress pushing for a single-payer system, showing "Sicko" tonight is very timely. Mike lays out all the facts and the arguments as to why the private insurance companies are never going to side with what's best for the American people.
"Sicko" airs on The Movie Channel tonight at 8:00 PM. It's also scheduled to air on The Movie Channel on July 27th at 4:05 PM and on TMC Xtra on August 2nd at 10:45 PM and August 5th at 2:15 AM and 7:30 AM.
Check up on the "Sicko" facts: