Apr 25, 2005 15:09
This weekend has been so draining. So I went home on Thursday and hung out with my family, Mrs. Bergeron came over for a little while. Karen and I watched Napoleon Dynamite. One of the funniest movies ever. Then we went through pictures looking for ones with Jason in it. Anna, David, Valeree, and Karen are all making like memorial poster for the funeral on Sunday. So we found some good ones. On Friday we took the kids to school and walked along the beach just talking. Karen went to work, so I surprised her by washing her car and filling up her tank. So I picked her up and we did some things, picked the kids up, and spent the rest of the night with the family. On Saturday my parents, the kids, and I went to MacArthur Beach. It was a lot of fun. Sunday we went to church, to lunch, and then my dad changed my oil and I headed for home.
So the memorial is next Sunday, so that means another trip for Megan and I'm missing tryouts for colorguard. So I don't know how thats going to go. I have so many things going on in my mind and I don't know if I should write them down or not. I'm having these mood swings about everything and I don't know how to react. It's going to be interesting on Sunday. I just keep telling myself "I'm here for Karen." She really needed me this weekend and that's what sister's are for.