Fight, fight fight fight Bells!

Mar 01, 2006 17:25

Since I have vanquished the day's several crises and am exhausted, I will take a break and do the High School meme that's going around (most recently from

Who was your best friend?
There are several possible answers, but I'll pick Steve Kilmer, my across-the-street neighbor who I'd known since late in elementary school.

Who did you have a crush on?
Nobody at my school, but it was an all-boys school.  I crushed heavily on a girl with whom I took geometry during summer school between freshman and junior years, and on two girls I was in Junior Achievement with.  (Yes, I was that geeky, even then.)

What sports did you play?
No sports, but I did moderately well on our National Forensics League (speech and debate) team.  In fact, I met
laurellady at the state tournament my senior year.

What kind of car did you drive?
None, much to the relief of everyone else in the city.

It's Friday night, where were you at?
In Paul Bergstrom's garage, with Steve and John Spangberg there as well, doing either a massive tabletop wargame (The Next War, Third Reich, Squad Leader, that kind of thing) or a fiendishly complex role-playing game (Chivalry and Sorcery and Traveller being our favorites).

Were you in the "In Crowd"?
I was in an "in crowd".  The AP English slash speech-team contingent was big enough and cohesive enough to count as a crowd, I think.

Ever skip school?
Only on senior ditch day, and even then I felt terribly nervous about it.  I was very goody-goody back then.  Still am in many ways, not all of them useful.

Ever smoke?

Were you a nerd?
Yes in absolute terms, not so much by the standards of that school and the crowd I hung out with.

Did you get suspended/expelled?
I came close just once.  I went into a berserker rage and attacked a librarian.  No, really.

Can you sing the Alma Mater?
I can sing most of the Fight Song (see title of post for the stirring first line).  I used to be able to play it on the trombone, too.

Who was your favorite teacher?
It's a tie: Mr. Alessandri and Mr. Harville, who team-taught AP English and also offered various cool English electives on the side.

Favorite class?
AP English, every year of it.

What was your school's full name?
Bellarmine College Preparatory.  It's named after Cardinal Roberto Bellarmini, who led the Church's prosecution of Galileo.

School mascot?
A bell.  Pretty compelling, huh?

Did you go to Prom?
I only went to one mixer the whole time I was there, and never went to the proms.  Being terribly shy with girls and going to an all-boy school didn't work in my favor.

Where did you work?
McDonalds (I have a lasting horror of deep fat fryers), plus various work-scholarship jobs at school.

If you could go back and do it over, would you?
Nope, just about everything went right, and I'd be terrified of screwing it up if I did it again.

Last one, favorite memory of your Senior Year?
laurellady, about a month before graduation.  Suddenly I overcame that shyness, all during the course of one amazing day.  (Apparently the strain was too much for me; I was in the hospital with appendicitis two days later.)


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