It's been a while since The Onion made me giggle
this much. Of course, working on "The Ship" has made me more aware of diurnal and seasonal cycles lately. Just this morning I had the delightful experience of watching
madelineusher realize that "The Ship" and "John Barleycorn" are essentially the same story, right down to the name of the lead character.
Speaking of "The Ship", that's going to have me insanely busy all month, so if you don't see me post much here, or if you're waiting for something from me and it takes longer than it usually would, that's why. We have just two more actors-only practices (one of them tonight) before we finally join up for a full cast (including the Chorus) rehearsal on March 12 -- and from there it's only a week to opening. I don't have stage fright, but I make up for it with lack-of-preparedness fright, and my knees are knocking. We'll pull it together and make it shine, though. We always manage that, one way or another.