Title: Hidden Desires Characters: Kyuhyun, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Superjunior Pairings: KyuHae, HyukHae Genre: angst, romance Summary: Being his bestfriend is a wish hard enough to be a reality, what more of that a lover?
[Spoiler (click to open)]Laughters erupted throughout the SuperJunior Dorm that one winter night. They were all huddled together in the living room celebrating yet
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The day I've been waiting for has finally came! Welcome back Space Big Star, my baby, Heechullie! :") I'm so proud of you! Saranghamnida! #DIVAISCOMINGBACK #HeechulComeback #WelcomeBackSpaceBigStar #우주대스타컴백 #SpaceBigStarComeBack