amop-series #20#

Nov 20, 2013 13:29


Despite his inclination to let his anger rise - the reappearance of Bill Croelick always managed to make his blood boil - Andrew Flynn found himself worrying after a whole day of listening to the grapevine going up in a volume that suggested that Captain Raydor was on the warpath and in one of her characteristic sith-like moods. Gossip always floundered mercilessly around Parker Center and yet Andy knew once the intensity rose to the level of avoiding anything that had to do with I.A something was wrong. So Andy decided to brave the fiery fires of hell, thinking he could enquire about her mood as well as vent about the recent case and Croelick once again making his life sour.

The decision was only enforced when he met a rookie in uniform who looked decidedly green in the face and ready to cry when the elevator doors opened to the floor of I.A. That sealed the deal; Sharon was obviously in some kind of funky distress and was taking it out on everyone else - it happened every once in a while.

“This is a friendly check-in,” Andy said as he for once politely knocked on her office door and entered at her quiet ‘Come in’.

“You are frightening everyone from the night security guard to Pope; what’s wrong?”

Sharon looked up, a dismissive frown flung in his direction before she immediately looked down at the report in her hands again, her computer open in front of her and what looked like four empty Styrofoam coffee cups on the heavy oak desk. Nonchalantly she waved him away with a hand, her tone formal, “I don’t have time today, lieutenant.”

“Bullshit,” Andy crossed his arms, “You always have time.”

“Not today,” she stated, still occupied by the report in her hands. The only indication his presence irked her was a small tightening of her lips and the way she narrowed her eyes as she continued to read on.

“What’s wrong?” Andy wondered out aloud, his voice soft. He tilted his head, scrutinizing her - she was impeccable as always, nothing that hinted at what was obviously troubling her.

“Why do you assume something must be wrong with me simply based on the fact that I’m too busy to listen to you grumble?” her tone was flat and sarcastic, her eyes briefly on him with disdain before she looked down again, a little eye roll at him that he saw even if she tried to hide it.

“Well, first of all you are being such a sweet delight it’s almost unbearable,“ Andy grumbled, his voice now raw with sarcasm as well, “Secondly, the combination of aloof sarcasm and evasiveness is a sure give away, Captain, why, your panties must surely be in some sort of twist.”

Now that earned him attention, her eyes on him in a deadly glower, “You don’t need to concern yourself with my panties.”

“Really - because I’m imagining silk and red, bordered with lace,” he gave her his usual crooked smile and was frankly surprised when it didn’t work and instead of her smiling back amused, her lips twitched into annoyance. He kept his smile on, “Commando is it?”

It gave him nothing but further annoyance, the way one corner of her mouth twitched in what he perceived to be displeasure rather than amusement.

“I have already suspended two high ranking sergeants today, lieutenant Flynn - don’t push your luck.”

Andy smiled, “I’m a pusher.”

Her teeth showed in a belligerent, somewhat tired smile, “Indeed. I had the fortune of receiving a call from the attorney of Bill Croelick earlier today saying you specifically and quite deliberately pushed his client into a wall, headfirst, and with more force than necessary.”

“That’s not what I remembered happened,” Andy defended himself even if he knew that had Sharon been present earlier in his squadroom when Croelick had visited she would have hauled him off by his ear. It had simply been a little push; hell the creep had been perfectly fine, smug and all.

“No, as I explained to the attorney, I’m sure you were your usual polite self and requested Croelick’s presence in an interview room without manhandling him or anyone else.”

Andy sighed and closed her office door behind him, sitting down in the chair opposite her. He crossed his arms, regarding her with narrowed eyes and tension inside him once again boiling. “The creep is safe and sound, no bumps or bruises or anything that would suggest I was in any way violent. If I really wanted to inflict pain upon the bastard don’t you think I would know not to do it on duty and in plain view of everyone? Shit, I really felt like slugging the son of a bitch but I behaved nicely.”

Her eyes narrowed, “Are you trying to tell me you would assault him off-duty?”

Andy ignored her - ignored his own inclination to vent further about Bill Croelick. Instead he focused on her bad mood, the need to know what was wrong having gone beyond mere curiosity. “Whatever - that’s not why I’m here. Why are you going all passive-aggressive on me? That’s the most stupid thing to ever do - rookie mistake. You know I’m obstinate, Sharon, so just tell me what’s fucking wrong instead of going all bitchy on me.”

She sighed, the report in her hands being dumped unto a pile of files with an exasperated snap, “What part of ‘not today’ did you not understand? How much more clearer can I be? Do you want me to spell it out for you.”

Andy glared at her now, “I’m your friend, remember? Not some obnoxious idiot from Traffic - shit, what in heaven. How hard is it to say, ‘Sorry Andy, I’m in a bad mood.’?”

She sighed, “I’m fine. No need to concern yourself with me today. Just give me a bit of space.”


“Just leave me alone for a couple of days - I’m sure you can manage two days without annoying me.”

Andy rolled his eyes, standing up, “Geez, are you going through menopause or what?”

Her eyes flashed and her mouth formed a fine line, “Yes, of course Andy, that’s the whole crux of things.”

He pointed at her, “Just for the record, you are the jerk this time.”

She smiled condescendingly, “There’s a first time for everything, apparently.”

Andy slammed her office door behind him, angry as he strode back to his own floor. Halfway down to his own murder room he changed his mind however and spun around, stalking back to I.A and Sharon.

This time he barged though her door not bothering knocking; being polite had not helped him one bit so it was time to be a rude idiot. Maybe he could get some answers out of her then.

“Andy,” she exclaimed surprised, still seated behind her desk and looking through something on her computer.

“Space! Who the fuck needs space, Sharon? We haven’t seen each other in weeks and you are being ridiculously mule headed. Just tell me what’s wrong already and let’s get this prissy whatever hissy fit you have going over and done with!”

Yes, that did it; she immediately flew into fight mode as well.

“You managed a whole minute without annoying me, I’m impressed,” she snarled back at him, “There is nothing wrong with me - I’m not having a bad day,” her voice rose, “And no, I’m not going through menopause, you chauvinistic pig.”

“Really, are you absolutely certain! Because you sure are acting like it, irrational and all.”

“Irrational?” she lowered her voice but it was still angry despite the low volume, “Just because I do not want to talk to you I’m irrational?”

Andy approached her, hands on the surface of her desk as he leaned towards her with a stare, “You are impatient and have been frightening half of the building to the point where everyone is avoiding you.”

“So what is it?” Andy turned his voice down, trying to get his blood pressure down as well, “You missing Ricky? or is Jack back in town?”

Her face crumbled slightly, her complexion a shade paler. “What makes you say that?”

Andy knew which part she was referring to and he answered, “Because everytime that asshole comes sliding back into your life you turn into a right bitch, hysterical and practically standoffish.”

Her lips twitched into a sneer, “And thank you for making my day even more miserable.”

Andy shrugged, “That’s what I’m here for, honey.”

They stared at each other for a long time and some of the tension seemed to seep out of her, her eyes averting from his as a little audible sigh left her lips.

“It’s just - ” she started and stopped again, her face screwed up in consternation. “He’s back and his presence is just - ” she stopped again, this time she looked at him, an almost helpless expression.

“He’s a jerk and he screws your life up,” Andy finished for her.

She gave a half, hesitant nod.

“You could just have said that,” Andy exclaimed, “Instead of going all she devil on me.”

Her smile was distant, “It’s none of your business.”

Andy shook his head; that had been her answer in the last decade whenever he had mentioned Jack.

“That’s not gonna fly this time - you are my business, Sharon.”

She crossed her arms, “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“I have no wish to discuss Jack with you - at all.”

Andy spread out his arms wide, palms open, “Yeah, I got that message ten years ago when you nearly bit my head off when I casually suggested a fucking divorce instead of that circus you call separation.”

She looked down again, hands clasped together and resting on the desk. “Just leave me alone - please. It’s just a couple of days and then you can come annoy me all you want.”

“Why would I leave you alone when you are obviously in such a strange mood?”

“Because I ask you to,” she looked up, another hesitant look.

“Fine,” he bit out, “You know where I am if you need me.”

Andy left, the door slamming behind him once again.

Everything was just easier when Jack stayed in Las Vegas - for everyone.


sharon, flynnie, good'old'days

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