amop-series #19#

Nov 16, 2013 12:01


“This is your favorite lieutenant calling,” Andrew Flynn said, his phone cradled against his ear and his body slung out on the small motel bed, two pillows at his back. He yawned and ignored the glower Provenza directed at him from the other single bed in the small rather dull motel room they had managed to acquire for the night, budget and vacancy not allowing for two separate rooms unfortunately.

“Andy,” came Sharon Raydor’s voice over the line, breathless in between a little pant.

She continued to sound breathless and Andy couldn’t help himself, darkness outside and the low light in the motel room not helping the slightest with his vivid imagination.

Andy grinned wide, his voice sly when he asked, “What are you wearing?”

“What?” Sharon sounded confused now and when she blew out an exhalation that sounded nothing but explicit, Andy couldn’t help but land his hand on his lower abdomen, a little caress. Provenza was fortunately reading some atrocious novel and not focused on the whereabouts of Andy’s hand for the moment.

“Are you masturbating?” Andy breathed into the phone, the enticing quiet pause from Sharon’s end only interrupted with another breathless pant, “Naked and …?” he prodded.

Andy smiled at Sharon’s silence. Out of the corner of his eyes Andy saw Provenza make a gagging motion, his face screwed into an annoyed frown as the old man shook his head at Andy. Andy resolutely ignored him.

Sharon sounded strangely amused when she finally answered, “Of course not. I’m at the gym.”

“Shh, shhh,” Andy corrected her, “Don’t ruin it now. I had more fun imagining you naked atop your bed, your hand between your legs and your back arched back. Mmmm.”

“You are sordid.”

“ - or do you use something else?” Andy continued, ignoring her comment, “A colored, vibrating toy, perhaps?”

Sharon gave an awkward laugh over the phone that Andy took to mean she did indeed own such a toy - he grinned to himself, his imagination spiked up rather spicily - until Provenza hurled a pillow at Andy’s head that was.

“What?” Andy hissed at Provenza, keeping a hand on the phone so Sharon couldn’t hear them.

“You are grossing me out,” Provenza hissed back, waving his hand angrily at the door out into the hallway, “Go outside if you have to have despicable phone sex, you disgusting pervert.”

Andy shrugged and held the phone to his ear again.

Andy hummed to her over the line.

“Are you bored, lieutenant?” Sharon asked him and Andy did not really mind imagining her in gym clothes either, slightly sweaty and panting, strands of hair matted against her skin.

“Yeah,” Andy replied sincerely, “Bored out of my mind, to tell you the truth.”

Provenza rolled his eyes.

“Well, how about coming over later? Ricky’s home from San Diego and we’re making Christmas cookies,” Sharon said in a warm voice, “and I might even feel inclined to buy you cranberry juice and sparkling water.”

Andy pouted, the idea of spending an evening baking cookies with Sharon and her boy was nothing but enticing; his eyes raked around the dull motel room. Stuck, he thought with a sour expression - stuck in fucking Arizona with Provenza, the chief and her crazy parents and that idiot Wesley.

“I can’t,” Andy sighed.

“Oh,” she sounded disappointed.

“I’m currently in,” he paused and then sighed, “Wilcox, Arizona.”

“Arizona?” Sharon repeated.

“Nothing like an interstate RV trip with grumpy colleagues and their insane families to bring a little holiday cheer,” Andy commented, catching Provenza glaring, “Getting a goddamn perp back to LA shouldn’t be this difficult, I tell ya. It’s fucking insane.”

“Why are you on an interstate RV trip? You must be aware of those pesky things that fly in the air, bringing human beings swiftly from A to B.” Sharon laughed, “It’s so easy to fly, you know.”

“Ha ha, you are on a roll, huh.” Andy groused sarcastically, “We can’t board a plane.”

“Why on earth not?”

“Funny thing happened,” Andy said with a half grimace, half grin.

“Funny things always happen when you are in proximity of lieutenant Provenza. Let me guess, he’s in Wilcox, Arizona as well.”

“Yeah, the grumpy old bastard gives his festive holiday regards,” Andy said with a little nod and patronizing smile in Provenza’s direction. He imagined Sharon would roll her eyes at his comment.

“I doubt that very much,” Sharon replied with a wry little laugh, “He’ll give me festive regards the moment he’s in a position for Chief of Police.”

“I thought you liked it when I was polite,” Andy shook his head with a wry smile.

“Lying straight through your teeth is not being polite, lieutenant,” Sharon replied in a voice he found adorable.

“Hmm, I’ll have to change tactic then, is that it? You want me to be polite and earnest simultaneously?”

“Yes, please.”

Andy hummed, “You demand too much of me, woman.”

“I can see why being both polite and honest at the same time might create a bit of trouble for you,” her reply was dry yet amused, “seeing it would mean you’d have to force your brain cells to communicate.”

“Ouch,” Andy shook his head, “don’t belittle my brain cells. They do just fine.”

Sharon laughed and after a brief pause, she hummed questioningly, “So?”

“So what?”

“Why can’t neither you nor Provenza board a plane with your suspect?” there was a brief pause and then she drily commented, “Do I even want to know?”

“Oh yeah, it’s frigging hilarious. We took the red-eye to Atlanta to pick up our idiot suspect and the son of a bitch managed to get us on the federal no flight list on our way back.” Andy sighed, “Fucking idiot, raging about bombs as we stood in line for the check-in. Shit, for a moment I was sure the airport security was about to tackle Provenza and me too.”

Sharon laughed, “You are joking - please tell me you are joking.”

“No, honest truth here,” Andy said, still shaking his head at the incident, “We are forced to return to LA in a RV with the chief and her parents.”

“That sounds absolutely merry,” Sharon laughed.

He sighed and then whispered, “It’s a nightmare.” Andy glared at Provenza and then continued, “It’s dreadful, Sharon - I might just be ready for the insane asylum if we ever reach LA at all.”

Provenza’s eyes widened when Andy said Sharon, as if he was just now clued in on who Andy was calling. The old man narrowed his eyes and then he mouthed, “Are you out of your mind!”

“It’s like spending fucking Christmas with the Grinch,” Andy grumbled, deliberately giving Provenza an arched eyebrow, “not to mention the absolutely crazy southerners and one bitter son of a bitch complicating everything. Heck, I’m not sure who I'm gonna end up shooting first.”

“My poor lieutenant,” Sharon chuckled and Andy smiled, dwelling even further into the mattress, ignoring the way Provenza made a condescending eye roll in his direction.

“Raincheck on the cookies?” Andy asked, trying to hide another yawn.

“As long as you are not masturbating right now,” she countered and Andy could imagine the way her nose would scrunch up at the notion and how one side of her mouth would curve even if she tried to contain it.

“Sorry, Capt’n, my hand’s already in my pants,” Andy lied, his vision gone when Provenza smacked another pillow at his head, the cushion landing on his head and staying there blocking out light.

“I’m thrilled to know you are deriving pleasure from your little trip of misery,” Sharon said, dry voice, still panting and he had a vision of her in a position that would be rather thrilling indeed.

“Seriously, woman - what are you doing? It’s going straight to my dick.” Andy gave out a long out drawn sigh, “It sounds like a well-fit fitness instructor is pounding you!”

Provenza sputtered out aloud.

Sharon merely laughed, “If only - no, I’m running on the treadmill.”

“I will gladly pound you,” Andy whispered, the pillow still on his head - he didn’t have to look at Provenza then and it suited him just fine.

Sharon sighed over the phone, “You sound excited - why do you sound excited?”

“Why do you think? Geez.”

“Stop it,” there was laughter in her tone.

“Don’t worry - I’m being very coy here in my motel room, all by lonesome.”

“What a relief.”

“Not really - though I know what would be relieving.”



“Stop imagining whatever it is you are imagining. I’m simply running - there’s nothing inappropriate about it at all.”

“Say that to your voice and those little pants.”

Andy imagined she rolled her eyes.

“You’re not getting any,” she paused briefly, her tone vibrating with contained laughter, “Christmas present this year.”

Andy pouted, “That’s okay. Christmas is not about gifts - it’s about giving.”

He could hear the smile in her answer, “Honey, I was joking.”

“I know,” Andy smiled.

“I’ve gotta go.”

“Oh, why?”

“There’s a well-fit fitness instructor who’s been staring at my ass for the last half hour; I’m going to go pound him.”

“Oh shit, Sharon,” Andy growled, “There goes my imagination again.”

She laughed and then with a sweet whispered bye the line went dead.

“I despise you,” Provenza said in a growl when Andy came out from under the pillow.

“Merry Christmas to you too,” Andy snarked back.

Phew; that was the last of season 3. I feel like I’ve been writing a marathon with these; a rather special awesome feeling. I’m def. gonna continue. But heartfelt thanks to everyone for the support and feedback. =)

goobers, idiots, good'old'days, neanderthals, fools

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