Jan 11, 2010 22:52
Is to get fired.
Let go.
thrown out.
But somehow I anticipated not getting regularized, because, well, I didn't really see the point when my boss rarely assigns anything to me. What knocked the wind out of me was that my last day would be this Friday. And I have no back up plan. No pending application with other ad agencies or other companies. Not enough savings to last me half of the year. And not enough material to put in an advertising portfolio.
I never questioned my writing capabilities, because writing for me was natural as thinking, though my thoughts often come in sudden and uncontrollable bursts. I've been told a lot of times, I write good, I should write more, I should make a living out of it. But why do I feel so stupid when it comes to coming up with the decade's catchiest phrase? Is copywriting really not my cup of tea?
I went into this industry with every intention of excelling, viewed copywriting as unchartered territory that I can somehow master because I have a brain (and because boyfie wins awards from ideas I pitched while on the ride home). But I was told, earlier this evening, that copywriting isn't my best suite.
And since I'm still a roiling mass of emotions (predominantly anger and desolation), this entry is discombobulated as well.