Life therapy

Jul 16, 2009 13:14

Life has been quite satisfying and interesting lately.

It has been feeling harder than usual to make a substantial update in here. I blame the temporal/ tweet quality of FB and my lack of giving moments of joy and peace their proper representation in my journal. However that is not to say that I value those moments any less, just that when things are going right I seem content to revel in them in a quieter internal way.

In June I had the wonderful gift of seeing Kristen (LV) and Laura (SEA). In July Ariane (UT), John’s sister, and her GF came to town. In addition to having company, which we kind of never do, John got his test score back and he did surprisingly well. My sweet love got a 271 on his 8 hr long  test which puts him in the top 0.1458 % of his class and among other test takers that took the same test. GO sweetie with your mad skillz!!

~ We saw Harry Potter 6 last night and it totally ruled! But I think its cause I'm easy to please and I was reveling in that this would be our last movie in a movie theater for sometime.

Some things I really valued while having the girls in town was the feeling of family, the much needed break in the routine, and getting out and enjoying the things and places that make this city so livable. I maybe a hermit but I have an unsinkable love for people.

I may live in a digital world but his painter functions in analog. I need to see you, smell you, and touch you for me to feel like I’m part of your life and visa versa. I feel incredibly devastated when I can not get it together to celebrate and birthday or wedding because of work or gross lack of energy. I feel bad because those are the times that are important to me but with any lucky there will be other opportunities.

For those of us living to work and working to live, the hours in between work and home are few. On the horizon I see a brilliant opportunity to go to school FT; I just quake in my panties trying to imagine how to continue paying all my bills without a real income.

I either will need to do a lot of house cleaning and/or babysitting and/or yard work for friends and/ or go back a try to get a swing shift job at a grocery store.

Damn, see there I go again, freaking out about tomorrow when today is great. I have to work on that. ~sigh~

John and I are doing really well. We both have our health and each other’s unconditional love and support and that is something invaluable.

I’d like to work on my art some more. Hopefully the rest of this month and August will be good for that. I was invited to show in the Boston biennial but I don’t have enough for my bills let alone a jurying fee and paying to get the work there.

Maybe I will take MIW up on doing the Portland in the round and get some ya-ya’s out in making art in front of an audience.

Kori asked me to model for Conflux just a day or two ago. I don’t think I will though. I’m just not feeling it. If your heart is not into it why bother, right? Really, just pick another petite short girl it’s totally okay with me, it is a nice gesture of friendship for her to think of me, I just still have a clear memory of all that time (3mths) that was spent on C13 and I don’t ever want to go through something like that again.

Well, time for me to get back to my paper on Altar boy, my art therapy intervention for my pretend client. If you are interested say so and I’ll post it here. I need to get my writing hat on since I have a feeling Marylhust will be all about the writing papers.

I also owe Ms. Noelle a much overdue hangout. I need to work on that. I hope a monday will work.

Peace my friends!


hermit, urban living, ebb and flow, familia, worries

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