i love you, zukko!

Sep 21, 2009 21:13

Zukko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) ismytruelove!

Name of your character: (Prince) Zukko
The fandom of your character: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Why do you love this character? To be honest, in the beginning of the whole series, he was the "bad guy". But I have this weird fetish for the bad guy, unless they are extremely horrible and just not-so-appealing. But Zukko appealed to me very much, firstly because he was the antagonist which made him, of course, different from the main characters. Secondly, the way he looks so what if he's cartoon? helped a bit. Plus, throughout the rest of the series, through the other seasons, we got to see a new side of Zukko, who was actually really kind inside, but still tries to be tough. It's cute and dorky (:
Show us a picture, video, or something of your true love:

tv show: avatar the last airbender

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