Jun 28, 2006 22:41
93yoF Pt found supine on terrazo kitchen floor complaining of syncopal episode 1 hour prior to VCFS arrival. Pt sts she 'was making coffee', 'got lightheaded', and 'just slipped down to the ground'. Pt is unsure if she lost conciousness. Pt sts she has been having 'dizzy spells' x 2 weeks, and saw her physician for them 4 days prior, friday. Dr Perscribed HCTZ, a diuretic. Pt states she did take medication this morning before incident. Pt's last meal at 1830 night previous, 'A BLT sandwich'. GCS = 15, A&O times 4 with equal grip strength. Heart rate of 84 beats per minute and strong. Pts skin pink warm and dry with good turgor. Respirations 18 times per minute with good tidal volume. Blood Sugar = 165. Blood Pressure 168 over 82. SaO2 at 98% on NC provided by VCFS. Pt has postural vertigo and nausea with standing. Pt denies dark/bloody stool or emesis. Pt denies ETOH/substance involvement. Pt has no visible injuries from fall. Pt denies dyspnea. Pt requests NC's removal sts 'It's uncomfortable.' Pt SaO2 at 99& after removal of NC. Pt ambulatory on scene and transported to 706 without incident.
Boring call. Nice carpet though.