Aug 21, 2005 01:06
I feel outta the loop.
Like I don't know what's going on back home with everyone.
I mean, I guess that's kinda supposed to happen that way.
I feel....left out. Idk. It sux.
I don't wanna bother people though bc I kinda feel like I am.
Ya know how parents need to just let go when their kids go off to college
...well, maybe I need ta just let go of my friends back home and let them be.
Idk...maybe I should call them every one in a while or just let them call me.
It just bums me out. I'm losing my friends...or at least it feels like it.
I like it here at UD...but I just don't wanna be here.
Wow, this entry sounds really....not so mean or something.
Bitchy. I'm sorry. I just wanna be home so bad.