21 - video/action for Blackthorn City and later Ecruteak;;

Jul 04, 2011 13:36

[It's been a rough few days for Riku. He made it through the ice cave quickly, thanks to Flare's fire power and Jaws' speed, but he's still exhausted. Traveling alone just isn't the same as going with a group, especially when you're stuck in a chilly cavern ( Read more... )

gym battle, blackthorn city, twenty-first, final badge get, team derpmon go!, smell ya later

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[video] monochrome_mind July 4 2011, 21:03:43 UTC
[Sasha just watches that battle and wow...color him impressed. This teenager is exceptional at battling with his selective team. Once the battle is over, he accidentally responds to the feed.]

That's an impressive display of combat and strategy. So many different types of pokemon I've never seen before.


[video] islandshore July 4 2011, 21:56:19 UTC
[An audience? Heh, just the way he likes it.

When Riku responds, he smirks. Aw yeah, his team's awesome.]

Thanks. I figured I'd try something a little different this time.


Re: [video] monochrome_mind July 4 2011, 22:01:10 UTC
[Well guess what Riku, Sasha is going to give your team nothing but praise now.] Yes, from what I could tell, you was able to exploit weaknesses at the right time. Your teammates clearly have been trained a long time.

[And the second question is out of Sasha's mouth before he realizes it.] So, does obtaining all 8 badges allow people to return home? I've been told that gym battles are important, but I figured that's the reason why.


Re: [video] islandshore July 4 2011, 22:02:30 UTC
If that was true, I wouldn't be here.

[He shakes his head and shrugs.]

This just proves the theory's bogus.


Re: [video] monochrome_mind July 4 2011, 22:05:03 UTC
A dead lead. It was worth asking, at least.

[He sighs, uncertain if he even wants to battle in gyms now that the rumor is dispelled.]

My apologies if I'm asking you so many questions. I just arrived in this place a few days ago, so things are still new to me.


[video] islandshore July 4 2011, 22:06:28 UTC
It's not a bad theory. Just... didn't turn out so well.

[And at this point, a part of him wouldn't mind if it meant seeing his friends again.

But his home's so boring. Blah.]

Anyway, don't worry about it. New people show up all the time.


Re: [video] monochrome_mind July 4 2011, 22:11:21 UTC
In this place, all we have to go by are rumors and theories. The only way to prove their validity is by testing them out. There has to be other mysteries to this world we have yet to discover.

[He just nods calmly, clearly unfazed or deterred from discovering another way home.]

Thank you for your patience. Forgive me for being rude and not introducing myself; I'm Sasha Nein.


[video] islandshore July 5 2011, 00:04:36 UTC
Don't worry about it. Name's Riku.

[He pauses, as he glances at some of his other Pokémon. Namely, a Haunter and Rotom. They'll be useful for taking on pesky birds while he's flying back to town.]

Anyway, it sounds like you already know a few things about this place.


Re: [video] monochrome_mind July 5 2011, 00:21:55 UTC
Nice to meet you, Riku.

[Sasha spots the two ghost types in the background and is tempted to scan them with the poke'dex. He skips out on the idea, fearing it'll be rude.]

I've been given the cliff-notes version, but any complex strategies are completely new to me. Like which pokemon to catch and things like that. You seem to know lots about combat...what do you recommend in terms of training pokemon?


[video] islandshore July 5 2011, 00:27:08 UTC
You're going to want at least one or two more Pokémon to start out with. Most of the early routes have normal types, but if you check the cave on Route 31, you should be able to find some rock types.

You'll want at least a flying type, and and electric or rock type to start out with. As for training, I try to battle every day. Get enough training in, and you can usually get about five levels a week.

[He could go on, but he doesn't want to explain too much at a time.]


Re: [video] monochrome_mind July 5 2011, 00:36:04 UTC
I'll look into obtaining another pokemon or two to accompany me on this journey. Traveling through caves sound easier said than done though...

So a flying and rock type will probably be my next types to catch, since I fortunately started with a lightning type here. As for a consistent schedule, I suppose that would be best for my pokemon. Nothing too harsh or too easy on them.

[Sasha nods in appriciation, although he has one more quick question.] Which pokemon were those that you used in the gym battle?


[video] islandshore July 5 2011, 02:52:03 UTC
You won't have to go too far. Geodudes are all over the place in caves.

[A pause, as he turns glances back at his Haunter-- guh. What's he doing with that silly string and where did it even come from? Darn ghost.]

Anyway, I used a Charizard, a Garchomp, and a Feraligatr. All three of them are fully evolved Pokémon.


Re: [video] monochrome_mind July 5 2011, 03:53:58 UTC
They sound...[What's the right word for this? Oh yes.] annoying and repetitive.

[Sasha perks up at seeing the Haunter being a silly little trickster and just shrugs his shoulders.] It seems like that ghost pokemon of yours is a prankster. As for the other pokemon you mentioned, is it wrong of me to desire a strong teammate like yours? Maybe I'm getting over my head from the start...


[video] islandshore July 5 2011, 04:13:45 UTC
Nah, it's not wrong. You might be able to get one if you talk to a breeder, but you'd have to train them up a bit before they'd evolve.

[And now that silly string is getting all over the Aerodactyl's head... Whoops!]


Re: [video] monochrome_mind July 5 2011, 20:56:00 UTC
I'll look into it. Training seems to be a rewarding experience, especially if the pokemon is stubborn.

[He blinks at the Haunter and is just watching the scene.]

Riku, my apologies, but it seems like your ghost pokemon is bothering another pokemon of yours.


[video] islandshore July 6 2011, 02:32:38 UTC

[He turns around, and--]


[Terror's snapping her jaw and flapping her wings, while Phantom floats around, spraying more string at her.]

Phantom, c'mon!

[Yes, he's trying to pull his Ghost back, only for the Haunter to snatch the Gear and spin it around with one of his floaty hands. Alriiiight!]


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