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Oct 31, 2004 01:26

Here I go again
I've been meaning to update since a week ago....
This is all about Last Saturday--I can't even really convey how great it was!
It was seriously one of the best days of my life. Thank you so much NAT for staying--I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway...let's see what i can remember--I got up early, went to go work out at the CCRB, went to go walk in the Arb with Lindsey and Christina, showered, ate, went to Borders with Christina and Natalie--largely so they could try the caramel cafe freeze that I love! Christina left and Nat and I ended up staying there for about 8 hours!!!!!!!!!!!! Craziness--it was so beautiful tho...when we walked in there was the MOST WONDERFUL BAND EVER PLAYING--this band named Throwback. They were just amazing--a little like Maroon 5, only much better!!!! No forget it-they weren't even the same. Live though they were incredible. Not to mention the sexy guy, the crazy girl, the standard lead singer with a beautiful voice, and the silly hip-hop type guy on the drums! I guess this is probably meaningless to everyone except myself and natalie but whatever.

So after that I'm not totally sure what happened--We came up with many OBSERVATIONS. My-our-new thing. Writing down all these random thoughts that we think are really great from throughout the day. I shall share a few:

*My whole nursing/psychology career revelation--too long to explain here, but trust me, it's good!!

*Who would have thought that such a huge history-altering even like 9/11 would influence little things like what candy we can eat? (Because we can no longer get the wonderful Japanese candy that Jade and Nat introduced me to!!--completely irrelevant in light of bigger things i know--but it's just weird that that would even be affected).

*Punishing a child has to be very balanced. If a parent punishes a child to harshly and without an explanation the punishment will be completely unproductive because it will provoke such strong bitter emotion in the child. These emotions will override any "lesson" that is supposed to be taught to the child. In otherwords blind punishment without careful consideration of potential long-term effects on the parent-child relationship is completely ineffective and actually counterproductive because it evokes such strong feelings of resentment in the child.

*I should always take these things with me whenever I leave out of my dorm:
1--My Room Key and M-Card
2--My Camera
3--A notebook to write observations and/or to-do lists in
4--Cell Phone

*Maybe some people--like myself--are so indecisive because they have such strong, opposing personality types. Romantic v. Factualist; Impressionist v. Realist; Idealist v. Realist, etc.
A lot of people only have one of these primary characteristics dominant in their lives. Therefore, they are able to easily come to a decision, make a plan, and stick to it because they know already what's best for them. Not so for me! My mom has always been the romantic idealist in my life. She always wants to be the encouraging, optimistic one even when life sucks. A lot of times she seems to forget the more practical side of things and gets too caught up emotionally. My dad on the other hand was always the factualist, realist--engineer! He doesn't care to hear too much about the emotional side of things. He just wants to figure out how to fix things so that a person can move on/advance in whatever they're doing. He's all about problem solving in a systematic way.
So anyway I think I have these two opposing personalities in me--I'm both an upbeat, spontaneous, emotional, crazy, idealist romantic type and a practical, strictly facts, problem-solving, avoiding emotions, etc person. These two things are in a CONSTANT BATTLE IN ME!!! AAHHHH.

Ok so enough of that--to sum things up Natalie got caught up in her henna, we had more brilliant thoughts-that can't even be explained, we bought the Throwback cd and all the artists signed it, i actually did some psych homework, jade came and her cute little sister was fun, noodles and company was wonderful because we got a chance to share our food and try different stuff--go there, we came back--discussed current and past observations, stayed up until about 530am talking and just being crazy--good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think i shall talk about the rest of the week in another entry.

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