(no subject)

Oct 23, 2004 12:13

aahh... do u know that feeling u get when u've just come in from it being cool--but not cold outside? it's sooo good it's like a warm blanket is just lightly falling on you! I just got back from walking in the arb with christina and lindsay--it was so relaxing and beautiful!

First I got up this morning at 9:30ish, got ready, went to the CCRB and worked out for an hour, came back waited a few mins for christina and lindsay--natalie and mary were NO SHOWS!! hehe it was fine tho....it was just a very calm walk and we weren't doing anything in particular just appreciating another wonderful side of Ann Arbor....

Yesterday was also a great day...
I got up early to finish my homework--the procrastinating idiot that i am and all. Then I went to class and of course nothing that i spent time on the nite before and the morning of was collected--grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O well--i needed to do it. Classes were fine-English was hilarious as usual because of Good 'Ol Frank--wow that guy is too much. I was sad Mary wasn't there because I know we would have laughed hysterically--Frank wasn't holding back at all today on his confusing, and therefore humorous, behavior. It's probably good she wasn't there tho b/c there's a good chance we would have been rude because we would have spent the entire time trying not to laugh at him. Anyway after Stats I waited a moment, Nat the Brat came by :) We had a quick and--as usual---delightful chat. I went to the fishbowl, finally did some little-but important things i had been putting off, then nat and i went to west quad--without jade because she felt so inclined to feel sorry for herself--hehe j/k jade-well actually it's true :). There at west quad resided one of the nastiest lunches of ALL TIME!!! It was so SICK--all i did was take a few bites of my nasty noodles, and then after that all I had was my water, my Vernors, and a cookie. It was horrid. Anyway then we departed, i went to the registrar's office and then to a psych study for my psych 111 class.

This Psych study was definitely a good one for me! It was all about indecisiveness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm the FREAKIN' QUEEN of INDECISIVENESS!!!!!!!!! It sucks tho i wish i wasn't--i constantly fear making the wrong decision though. *sigh* O well it was good---here was a version of one of the hardest questions on that thing:

"You are walking outside and see a trolley headed towards five people on the track. There is a button you can push to divert the trolley off the path. If you push the button though the trolley will veer off the path, go down a hill, and into the yard of a man resting in his hammock and he will be immediately killed.
Do you push the button or not?"

I hate the thought of making a decision like that. I don't even know-crap--who am i to make a choice like that to decide that the five people are more important than the one man or that the man shouldn't be involved at all. AAAAUUUUGGGGHHH I just wouldn't know! But i said i would save the five people--i guess just because there's so many more lives that would be affected-it seems like anyway, but what about this man. What if he was here on this earth to help save the lives of so many more and because he is now dead i'm indirectly contributing to the lost lives and/or souls of so many others. CRAP!!!! SIGH--I guess i would have to do a quick prayer to God and pray that he would guide me to the right decision.

So the indecisiveness thing involved a lot more than that question but whatever--it was really thought-provoking.

After that I came back, bummed around a bit--Got my CUTE K-Grams letter from Mati--who is in the 2nd grade!! It was so sweet. Sarah and I observed that she has amazing handwriting for a second grader.

Then I went to dinner--once again that was hilarious--i was ridiculously hyper for some reason--actually all of yesterday. Still suprised by that comment saying I looked like Rudy from The Cosby Show--not sure what to make of that {puzzled}.

Hung around a bit more--managed to get natalie mad at me for kidding about her henna stuff--which apparently she takes very seriously :). SORRY NAT--YOU CAN DO ONE TO ME!! really!

Then Mary, Nat and I went off to the Corn Maze with the New Life pepoles. It was definitely interesting--and fun! When we went into the maze there was a guy coming out who looked more upset than anyone i've seen in a long time--at something that was supposed to be fun. He scowled out to us that he had been lost in there for 3 and a half hours and didn't look happy AT ALL! It freaked me out and I decided that I definitely did not want to try to take getting out of the maze seriously. So we wandered quite a bit--laughed a lot, got tired, and didn't even spend too long actually in the rows of talll corn in the ddaarrkkk!!! Once we got out and sat around that was lazy fun too.

Got back, watched Mean Girls with Jade, Natalie, Mary, Cara, and Sarah--hilarious, but i was so sleepy.

Now my comforter has sap, chocolate, popcorn and drool on it--the ironic thing is that none of it was left by me and no one has ever been on my bed other than me because it's too high up! :)

Alright I'm done writing my rambling novel now! Off to shower, eat, Borders, studying, then shopping...see ya'll!

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