Dec 04, 2005 12:47
Well for starters....
WE WON!!! 492 points
our whole team is incredible and i love every single person on it. I dont understand how anyone can not be on that team and not have the best time of youu life.
To the seniors- You guys are absolutly AMAZING!! i love everyone of you guys. When i see you in the halls and you guys say hi or give me a big hug i just cant stand it. My day is made 100% better. You guys make me laugh harder than ever befroe and next year will NEVER compare to this year with alll of you not on the team.
I feel like i let the team down alot this weekend. I didnt break and i wasnt upset at all. In this case i think that is worse cuz it shows i didnt really care to much. I didnt really try as hard as i should have to make my humor outstanding and that affected the whole team. Im sorry to everyone adn i have learned from this tournament that i really need to work on my work athenic. sorry :-[
I have been thinking lately about the people in my life i 100% truely look up to....
Jordan- I always saw you at church and i thought you were so funny adnn so cool but i didnt really know you that well. This 1/2 of the year so far you have changed my life so much. You always give me such good advice and you amaze me with all your talent. You are so dedicated in everything you do...which shows in your amazing talent. The end of this year will probably be the hardest time of my life to see you, micah, andy, kelley, sarah, cristy, lauren and all the other seniors leave. I look up to you so much and im jealous of how you devote your life to the things that are so important to you.
Lauren- you make me laugh harder than anyone. You are so gorgeous and you are the sweetest person ever. You care about how everyone is and you dont act like just cuz you are amazing at like everything, you are better than everyone else. You and jordan make me day when i see you two. You are the greatest person ever and i will miss you so much.
Taryn and Jari- you two are the most caring, amazing, people ever!!!!!!! youboth always know what to do to make me smile when ever i see you. I love to come to church adn just see you there waiting with your arms open to give me a hug. I look up to you both so much and i dont know what i would do without you two in my life!