Catch-up Post #2: California

Jul 06, 2008 22:49

Onto the fun stuff, now! I went to California May 2nd-12th; I basically had to hibernate later to recover from all the fun. I have too many pictures, so if you use dial-up or have a crappy computer, you might not even want to bother clicking on the lj cuts.

So... I met Jeff's sister and brother-in-law in Irvine, which is the furthest south I have ever been in California. Their complex has a pool so we spent a good chunk of the afternoon playing in it -- after we had some delicious sushi to celebrate my birthday and his sister's (I know it sounds a little awkward not just saying her name but I have no idea how private some people are when it comes to the Internet).

It's the angle. I'm not touching his crotch.

I've given up trying to be one of the "normal" kids.

Mine's bigger than yours, but thanks for coming out.

On Sunday I went to Jeff's church and met a bunch of fun people there. One especially awesome girl from Idaho gave me some inside information about Napoleon Dynamite. You know ligers, a cross between a lion and a tiger, "bred for their skills and magic"? Well, apparently this is a reference to something that actually happened (or rather, happens). Somewhere in Idaho where laws are not closely adhered to, a group of crazy scientists had some fun with genetics and "created" ligers. Google it. Everyone knows the Internet does NOT lie.

That afternoon, we picked some loquats from the loquat tree. They are little orange fruits a little like apricots (but not really much like them). They are very tasty. Jeff and I made some lasagna (my favourite "Mexican" [and yet, very un-Mexican] Jean Paré recipe -- many of you know it) and made a very satisfying loquat cobbler for dessert afterward. It's pretty nice to have a guy around who likes to cook with me! Yayy for bonding time (a fairly less enthusiastic "yay" for thigh-thickening).

I'm sure Jeff is tired of hearing this comment... but doesn't he look like he's sacrificing something here? Do I hear CAIN, the one who offered "fruit of the ground"?

Lasagna's done! Take a pic so we can eat!

Aww... comfy.

Loquat cobbler

Early one morning, Jeff and I took a little hike and I feared for my lululemons.

I don't expect the picture to do it justice, but the hike was a little scary at times. Lots of loose rock. Ow.

Stop looking at my boobs.

For real! No lookin'.

I got sorta stuck in this tree and felt/looked like a retard.

However, I am pleased to report that my precious pants didn't snare at all while I basically slid down a cliff on my butt. Awesome! Remember that when you look at the price of lulu gear...

We also went to Hollywood one evening and walked the strip until we were thoroughly exhausted. I know I'm a bit of a brat to say this, but since this was the third time I'd been there, a lot of the typical tourist excitement was missing. Hollywood is actually a grungy place full of drugs, dirt, spit, and energetic Scientologists keen to manipulate the unguarded. That's not to say that I didn't have a fantastic time though; my fondest memories were in two large second-hand costume/thrift shops, a magic store (I have a soft spot for severed appendages), and at the Pig 'N Whistle, where we had dinner.

The Hollywood sign is behind me!

We walked around the Arboretum one day and yes, the flowers were beautiful and fragrant... however, the only picture I'm going to show you is of some geese.

I wasn't the only Canadian!

And... I met Jeff's mom since she flew in for a visit; would you believe that I went to a vegetarian restaurant... and even liked it? I'm pretty much a candidate for dissociative identity disorder testing.

Look at my jacket. Do you like it? Too bad. Get your own gifts-bearing Mr. Awesome.

I was in California for two Sundays, which meant two church services. A ten day period spanning Friday to Monday is very unique; it allowed just enough time for enthusiastic congregants to convince me to join the choir, but they conveniently didn't have to give me the boot for poor performance (since I was leaving the area anyway). So yes, I went to choir practice on Thursday, and on Sunday morning I sung in the choir, robe and all. Wish I had a picture of *that*, but then again, robes do sort of give everyone the unfashionable obese look. It really was fun, though... I always enjoyed choir in high school and sort of miss those days.

Last but not least, I spent Mother's Day apart from my own mother, but Jeff, his mom, and I dressed up for a night out at a very fancy restaurant. The food was absolutely phenomenal.

So, on Monday the 12th, I sadly left California. The day was brightened when I proved to be pretty awesome at packing, though...

50 pounds is the limit. Don't ask me how I am EVER going to manage my move....

So that's pretty much it! For those of you who were waiting for an update, sorry it took two months. I hope pictures filled in the gaps where text failed. :) I trust that you can tell I have plenty of reasons to smile.
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