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May 09, 2018 01:35

Цитата из курса на Futurelearn "Dyslexia and foreign language teaching". Дети с дислексией лучше понимают текст, если они одновременно его читают и слушают. Улучшение не сногсшибательное (и не всегда регистрируется), но тем не менее.
Профессор Judith Cormos
"Yes, I've just got some very new research findings that suggest that reading while listening is very helpful for students with dyslexia. They comprehend a lot more of a text when they have the chance to read and listen at the same time. That really backs up what we're saying about making the learning multi-sensory. The other principles are to make the learning very structured, have a clear structure in mind to the teaching of the language, and teach by that structure, not expecting the students to know information you haven't already taught.

2:42Skip to 2 minutes and 42 secondsSo for instance, you wouldn't include in the language words which the student hadn't been taught. So you couldn't expect them to know those words. So ensure that the teaching is built on previous knowledge which has been taught and has been reinforced. Students with dyslexia need lots of overlearning. The difficulty with overlearning is to make the learning such that it avoids boredom".

Ссылка на исследование: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0265532218756946
"The beneficial boost provided by read-aloud assistance for young dyslexic language learners is likely to be caused by the fact that listening to a text which is more difficult for them relieves them of some of the processing burden of visual word decoding in their L2. This facilitates accurate word recognition and the retrieval of relevant semantic information related to the word. In addition, the support received at the level of word recognition potentially frees up working memory resources for higher-level text comprehension (Perfetti, 2007). These beneficial effects of read-aloud in more challenging texts might be larger for young dyslexic L2 learners than for L1 readers, because lexical representations in L2 are often less well developed, and lower level reading processes are less automatic than in L1 (Melby-Lervåg & Lervåg, 2014)".

полезное, цитаты, обучение чтению, дислексия, чтение

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