dear builder of worlds!

Jan 21, 2020 11:03

Thank you for creating a fanwork for me in the Worldbuilding Exchange! As long as you generally stick with things I like and avoid things I dislike, and address one of my requested worldbuilding tags, I will enjoy your work even if it doesn't take on any of my specific prompts. I am
Isis on AO3.

The Dark Crystal & Related Fandoms
Dark Matter (TV)
The Expanse (TV)

Some general stuff about my tastes:

For this exchange I'm more interested in gen works, though relationships (het, slash, femslash) are welcome if they don't contradict my DNWs and aren't the main focus of the story or art. I like scenery porn, historical and worldbuildy detail, strong canonical feel, and crossovers, though if you choose to incorporate a crossover, please make sure I know the other fandom (check my AO3 dashboard, or my Goodreads 'read' shelf), and please put the focus on the requested fandom. For this exchange I am fine with happy or unhappy endings and character death.

I generally prefer plot (as in, things happening; doesn't have to be elaborate or long - as contrasted with character studies), past tense (either first person or third person - I usually don't like second person), and lots of dialogue. But these are preferences, not hard DNWs, and if you have a brilliant idea that requires second person or present tense, go ahead. My only hard preferences are for conventional pronouns (he/she/they as appropriate), capitalization, and punctuation. I'm happy with epistolary fic, and if you want to create interactive fiction (second person is fine for this, or otherwise as you prefer), go for it! I am also interested in in-universe meta for all fandoms, especially in the form of scholarly or newspaper articles, textbook excerpts, instructional materials, or recipes.

I would love art for any of these fandoms as a treat, though I’ve only specifically requested art for some of them. Stylistically, I love interesting and experimental compositions, unusual perspectives, emphasis on textures such as hair and clothing, and scenery porn (Mountains! Trees! Cliffs with water crashing on them! Brooding ruins of an ancient castle!) and I like line drawings as well as full color. Actually, I prefer limited palettes - grayscale or a small selection of colors - to photorealism. My favorite colors are blues and greens.

DNW: For all these fandoms, I do not want fic focusing on pregnancy or characters' children (mentions of either are fine), A/B/O or BSDM dynamics. I do not want fic that uses unconventional pronouns (e.g. 'xie' - please use they/them for nonbinary or nongendered characters) or nonstandard capitalization or punctuation. I do not want anything that contradicts the characters being cisgender as they present as in canon. I do not want AU other than canon-divergence AU.

And now on to the specific fandoms. I have specified both "Any or No Character(s)" and "Original Character(s)" for all fandoms. I am requesting fic or in-universe meta for all tags, and art for some of the tags, and I'm open to art treats for any fandom. I am opting in to alternative formats. For all requests, I am happy to receive podfic of your (new) work alongside the text version; some requests have additional prompts specifically for podfic. I am happy to receive a vid for any request as long as it focuses on the worldbuilding tag(s) I've requested. I am happy to receive IF for any request; some requests have additional prompts specifically for IF.

The Dark Crystal & Related Fandoms

I rewatched the original movie (which I’d seen when it came out!) this fall, and then watched the new Age of Resistance series and was astonished at how dark and complex it was. (I haven’t read the books or the comics.) My favorite characters are Tavra, Brea, and Deet - the Gelfling in general, really - and also Hup and Aughra. I am fine with any non-incest Gelfling ship (m/f, f/f, m/m) though I tend to favor Deet/Rian and Tavra/f (particularly Onica, Naia, or Fara). I would prefer focus not be on Skeksis or urRu characters, though they can be present.

Arathim Ascendancy: I’m fascinated by the Ascendancy, and especially Tavra's return to herself even while the Arathim Threader is still attached to her; all the other Gelfling who were controlled didn't remember what happened during their possession, but she is apparently in communication with the Ascendancy as well as being in control of herself. I'd love to read anything having to do with her relationship to her Threader and to the rest of the Ascendancy, or about any other controlled Gelfling, canon or original. What is it like being part of a hive mind? Do the Spitters differ from the Threaders in their hive mind, and are there other, unseen members of the Ascendancy? Do they have individuality, or only a group sentience? Does the Threader have its own separate persona, or is it only a conduit? (Original Arathim Character(s) are fine, too!) How much of the host’s persona does the Threader or the Ascendancy absorb?

I am only requesting fic or meta for this request, as I have no idea how any of this would translate to art, but if you have an art idea and want to create a treat, I would love to see your work.

Native fauna of Thra; Native flora of Thra: The plants and animals we see in the shows are quite bizarre compared to our world’s familiar things. I would love to see a faux-scholarly article, or a story about or purportedly by an amateur biologist (Gelfling, Skeksis, or urRu), on any canonical creature or plant (the Crystal Skimmer used by the Dousan clan? the Spitters? the Sanctuary Tree? peachberries?) or completely invented creatures or plants that could plausibly be on Thra, and how they fit into the greater ecosystem. (Thrasystem?) Maybe you could tell the story of the first Gelfling to encounter gobbles (and survive), or the first instance of locksnakes being used to secure doors. I’m fine with a scholarly article by a Skekis or urRu here.

For art, I would love to see an illustration from the pages of a biology text, or perhaps a diagram of the skeletal structure of any creature. A map of Thra showing where certain species are found? A set of instructional images on how to ride a Crystal Skimmer, or train a Fizzgig? A guide to edible and poisonous plants? Or just invent some plants or animals that could plausibly be on Thra: show me what they look like and tell me what they are used for.

For IF, I would love an interactive guide to plant or animal identification!

Dark Matter (TV)

This show had great moments and wtf moments, and its cancellation means that all the threads it laid out are just sitting there unfinished, which, well, that’s what fanworks are for! My favorite characters are the Android, Two, Five, and Six; I don’t actually dislike any of the characters, and you should feel free to include whoever works for your story, but I would prefer the focus not be on Three or Four. I’m completely fine with original characters! I am fine with any ships you care to include, though DNW Five/anyone; I particularly like Two/Android, Two/Nyx, and Android/Victor.

Androids: I’d love to see anything about androids explored: history, technology, legal issues. Dr. Shaw is presented as the inventor of everything android, but surely there must be more to it than that - or focus on her work and her failures and triumphs. What goes on in the Android’s electronic brain, both before and after her upgrade? I loved her jealousy of Wendy (feel free to tell Wendy’s story! or tell me about entertainment androids in general!), and her discovery of hot chocolate, and her conscientiousness in self-monitoring her own perceived flaws. Or tell me more about Victor and the Free Beings, perhaps from the perspective of an original android character? What are the laws surrounding androids? I’d love a faux scholarly article or newspaper reporting on a landmark legal case involving android rights!

If you want to create interactive fiction, how about a construct-your-own android game? Or, "you are an android, navigate this task"?

Politics and the Council of Corporations: I’m also fascinated by the corporatocracy as presented in the show: how did the Council of Corporations form and become the sole intergalactic authority? The League of Autonomous Worlds (i.e. every planet that’s not under corporate control) has a single vote, equivalent to any corporations - how does that even work? Obviously the corporations have huge power, more than any individual planet or planetary system. What does it take to get a seat at the (metaphorical, and literal) table? Who do smaller companies, like Dwarf Star Technologies or Corelactic, answer to, or if they are truly independent, how do they have a voice in the galactic government? I’d love to see some “historical documentation,” or a glimpse of a corporate conflict between two (or more) of the behemoths, or the fate of a plucky small business trying to buck the corporations. I tend to think of the Mikkei Combine as the relative good guys (okay, I like Commander Truffault!) but I feel as though nobody is truly a good guy in this capitalism-gone-wild universe.

If you want to create interactive fiction, a "lesson" and quiz on the history of the corporatocracy (brought to you by your "good friends" at Traugott? :-) could be really fun. Or, "climb the corporate ladder at X corporation!"

I am only requesting fic or meta for this fandom, as I have no idea how any of this would translate to art, but if you have an art idea and want to create a treat, I would love to see your work.

The Expanse(TV)

I love this show and the books it’s based on, and it’s pretty well thought-out so there aren’t a huge number of holes for worldbuilding to fill. Still, there are a lot of things that could be explored in greater depth. I have watched all four seasons of the show so far; I have read all the books and the side-novellas, but it’s okay if you haven’t - feel free to make shit up that doesn’t necessarily conform with book canon, which honestly I’ve probably forgotten the earlier stuff anyway. My favorite characters are Chrisjen Avasarala, Bobbie Draper, Camina Drummer, and Klaes Ashford, along with the whole Roci family (of whom Alex is my favorite). I would prefer no romantic ships, other than canon ones or ones involving only original characters, and really I would like any romantic ships to be in the background for this request. I’m open to works covering any time period, from contemporary with the show to far in its historical past, or even in an imagined future.

Belter culture and customs: I’d love a deeper dive into Belter culture. Lang Belta draws on so many languages that it’s clear the original Belt inhabitants came from a variety of countries; how did they meld into one people? What events or policies early in the settlement of the asteroid belt led to the Belters becoming an underclass, or was it just the physical changes that repelled the Inners? The development of sweeping physical gestures to communicate while wearing space suits is such a cool thing - what other cultural/communication/practical adaptations grew out of low-gravity living? Maybe a set of new metaphors, or proverbs? Are there any cults or fringe groups with strange beliefs? What is Belter cuisine like, and why?

For art, I would be interested in anything that explores the differences between Belter life and Inner life. I’d love an exploration of Belter tattoos and their meaning. Or, what about an illustration from a safety manual, or an OPA recruitment poster, or an editorial/political cartoon from a Belter news outlet satirizing Inners?

Alternate formats: I would love a specific type of podfic for this request: "traditional" Belter songs, if you feel up to writing and performing them! (I can see that 1k of lyrics might be tough, but I'm okay with a shorter text if it's set to music and performed, and I've gotten the go-ahead from the mod to allow this specific length-exemption. Or include ancillary information on the history of the song?) If you want to create interactive fiction, a "lesson" and quiz on Belter practices or history could be really fun.

Martian culture and customs: I’d love a deeper dive into Martian culture. After Mars gained the right of self-governance they formed the Martian Congressional Republic, a government run by a prime minister executive and a legislative congress: how did this process go? Why is the characteristic accent the “Martian drawl”? (This draws from the books a little, but Alex Kamal on the show has the Martian accent as described in the books. However, if you can manage to come up with some ridiculous explanation for why Bobbie Draper’s got a Kiwi accent, I would adore that!) In what ways do Martians view themselves as a separate people from Earthers? Is there a tension between those who support terraforming and those who, perhaps, say they respect Mars as Mars and want to live in harmony with the planet as it is? What different metaphors and proverbs do they have that grew out of living under domes? Is “little green men” fighting words? Who are the heroes that Martians idolize? What is Martian cuisine like, and why?

For art, I would be interested in anything that explores the differences between Martian life and Earth life. The background broadcasts and posters in the transit system and open mall-like areas are always interesting - how about a political poster, or a recruitment poster for the Martian Congressional Republic Navy? Or an editorial/political cartoon satirizing Earth, or Earthers - something historical from the era of breakaway would be amazing here!

Alternate formats: I would love a specific type of podfic for this request: "traditional" Martian songs, if you feel up to writing and performing them! (I can see that 1k of lyrics might be tough, but I'm okay with a shorter text if it's set to music and performed, and I've gotten the go-ahead from the mod to allow this specific length-exemption. Or include ancillary information on the history of the song?) If you want to create interactive fiction, a "lesson" and quiz on Martian practices or history could be really fun.

The Mars Terraforming Project: The Mars Terraforming Project was such a grand idea! I would be up for something exploring any aspect, from the scientific to the cultural to the bureaucratic. A snapshot of the project at any point in the timeline, at any scope or scale, would be lovely: Initial enthusiasm and proposals ranging from the meticulous to the ridiculous? A worker discovers corruption and becomes a whistleblower? An engineer comes up with an elegant and useful technique? Fights between pro-terraforming and pro-dome factions? The difficulty of hiring workers when people have lost their enthusiasm and just want to stay in the domes? The decision to stop terraforming when the ring gates are discovered?

If you want to create interactive fiction, a "terraforming interface" would be fun (but a lot of work!)

I am only requesting fic or meta for this request, as I have no idea how any of this would translate to art, but if you have an art idea and want to create a treat, I would love to see your work.

The United Nations post-21st century: For this tag, I am specifically interested in exploring how the relatively toothless contemporary UN became the powerful organization it is in canon. Did the colonization of Luna and Mars lead to the consolidation of powers into a unified government? (Was the colonization initially driven by specific countries?) Or perhaps it was the climate crisis that precipitated the need for a strong central government. How did Mars’ breakaway in the 22nd century after the invention of the Epstein drive affect the UN? Are there disaffected subgroups on Luna that also want independence?

If you want to create interactive fiction, a "history lesson" and quiz could be a fun way to present this worldbuilding.

I am only requesting fic or meta for this request, as I have no idea how any of this would translate to art, but if you have an art idea and want to create a treat, I would love to see your work.

Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
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dear writer

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