wednesday reads n' things

Feb 20, 2019 09:54

A short update this week, as I haven't finished anything new; over the past week my audio intake has been podcasts, rather than books. Well, okay:

What I recently finished listening to:

Some patreon-only podcasts and extras. The latest episode of Underwood & Flinch: Underground, Mike Bennett's current podcast novel, and his most recent "Meanwhile" which is just about him and his life; the most recent behind-the-scenes extra from The Strange Case of Starship Iris, an interview with Jamie Price (Brian Jeeter), and also an interview with Jessica Best, the creator, about the mental-health hiatus she took mid-season. These were the first of the Starship Iris extras I've listened to, and I think I'll go back and download the old ones now.

What I'm listening to/reading next:

The Wall of Storms by Ken Liu, which is the (set much later) sequel to The Grace of Kings, and from the reviews it looks as though it has avoided some of the issues I had with the first.

What I'm reading now:

Educated, by Tara Westover. This is a memoir by a woman who grew up in Idaho with a family of survivalists, preparing for the end of the world by living very off-grid, never seeing a doctor (all home remedies) and supposedly being homeschooled but really just working for her (probably-schizophrenic) father and her abusive (probably at least partly due to repeated head trauma) brother. It's gripping and disturbing and well-written, and I'm enjoying it a lot.

What I'm watching now:

Still Star Trek: Discovery. We're through episode 12 of S1. I like the darkness of the narrative, and also, I really like that it's one story with a long arc, rather than episodic. Still not feeling particularly fannish about it.

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