wednesday reads n' things

Sep 26, 2018 17:16

What I've recently finished reading:

No actual books, but a few short stories I liked. First,
yhlee/Yoon Ha Lee's "The Coin of Heart's Desire", which has a dragon. Second, The Thing In the Walls Wants Your Small Change by Virginia M Mohlere, which I believe was nominated for Yuletide (it was a rec from
thedevilchicken) which also has a dragon. And this reminds me that I wanted to rec
tuesday's remix, an original work, Buy Nine Lives, Tenth One's Free which is a remix of
sath's Trick or Treat fic (also an original work, that I recced back when it was first posted) Paws From Beyond. These both feature (ghost) cats, and I will warn you now that a cat dies (of old age, and becomes a ghost cat) in "Buy Nine Lives", and it made me cry and pet my cat, but it's really good.

What I'm reading now:

Still listening to Libba Bray's Before the Devil Breaks You. It's going slower than usual because I'm not running very much these days, and that's the only time I listen to audiobooks. Also still reading Kory Stamper's Word by Word, which is due back to the library on Saturday so I'd better finish it. I like the later chapters, which are more thematic, more than the early biographical chapters. I've also started reading
sovay/Sonya Taaffe's short story collection Forget the Sleepless Shores, and I can already tell it's going to take me a very long time to get through, because these are seriously dense stories, twisty and beautiful, and they require so much attention to read that I can only handle one or two at a time. That's not a bad thing! But definitely not casual reading.

What I'm reading next:

As I mentioned last books post I snagged an inexpensive ebook of The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty through a discount deal, and it's nominated for Yuletide, so I'd like to read it before sign-ups. I also am looking forward to reading Hannu Rajaniemi's Summerland, an alternate history with ghosts, which I'll be getting soon courtesy of

What I'm watching now:

Much to my surprise, considering it has zero of the elements we usually watch for (it's historical, but not our typical time period, and there are no horses or dramatic scenery), B said a friend had recommended The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and he wanted to watch it (I agreed since I didn't have a visceral Oh God No reaction, which I have had in the past to some of his suggestions; in particular the last several movies he has chosen have been, I thought, terrible). So far we're through episode 4, and we both like it a lot!

What I'm watching next:

Probably either S5 S4 of Halt and Catch Fire, or maybe Star Trek: Discovery. I think Outlander's coming back soon, too.

What I'm playing now:

I'm in chapter 2 of Witcher 2, and have picked Iorveth's path. Last night I actually laughed out loud at a Lord of the Rings reference: the sorceress Phillipa needs a number of things to make an antidote to a poison, including "a source of the Power", which she suggests might be obtained from "one of the legendary rings of Power."

Iorveth: "One to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

Geralt: "Right, and then I'll have to run bare-footed to the top of a volcano..."

Phillipa: "All right, all right, let's forget the rings."

Earlier there was a comment about lembas, and the Witcher 3 DLC had a few Gollum references; clearly the games designers are having fun with homage.

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