dear trick-or-treater!

Sep 14, 2018 14:54

I like: historical (if appropriate) and worldbuildy detail, scenery porn, what-if AUs, original characters, time travel, bodyswap, ghost/afterlife stories, mythological and supernatural elements, and magical realism. I like gen, het, slash, and femslash. In general I'm not a fan of AU that completely changes the setting, but if you have a brilliant idea, go for it; I would prefer "interesting" to "mundane" AUs, e.g., in SPAAAACE yes, coffeeshop no. (Coffeeshop in SPAAAACE, okay!). I like crossovers, but please make sure I know the other fandom you're crossing over.

In fic: I prefer past tense to present tense, though don't feel constrained by this preference if your story really wants to be in present tense. I don't really care for second-person narration, but again, feel free to slip this preference if you have a fantastic idea. I'm happy with epistolary fic. I like lots of dialogue. If you want to create IF, go for it!

In art: I like both serious portraits and funny little cartoons. I have a soft spot for art in which one character is doing something typical-but-alarming, and the other is rolling his or her eyes, or reacting with horror, or getting ready to douse them with a bucket of water, or whatever. Stylistically, I love interesting and experimental compositions, unusual perspectives, emphasis on textures such as hair and clothing, and scenery porn (Mountains! Trees! Cliffs with water crashing on them! Brooding ruins of an ancient castle!) and I like line drawings as well as full color.

Tricks I would like: ghost stories (either scary or sweet), supernatural elements, afterlife stories, relationships between living characters and ghosts/spirits/supernatural entities, meddling deities, magical objects that do surprising things. Ghost sex is A-OK! I don't care for explicit horror, but I like mildly spooky things. In general I prefer happy endings, but see individual fandoms.

Treats I would like: romance, friendship, wacky hijinks, first kisses, first times (of anything), comedy of errors, matchmaking. Please don't add in any unrequested background non-canonical relationship. For fic, any sex should be in believable language for that era or fandom. UST, gen, ship, whatever. It's all good. I like explicit sex in fic, but I prefer more focus on the emotions than the physical mechanics, and my preferences are fairly vanilla: mouths, hands, genitals, toys, all are fine, but I'm not into BSDM or bloodplay or watersports or anything that might get a special tag. I would prefer not to receive artwork with explicit sex (NSFW M-rated is fine, E-rated showing genitals is not).

I would prefer not to receive explicit horror (fic or art), any kink you'd specifically tag, or artwork that depicts explicit sex with visible genitals (naked breasts are okay). I do not want any fic or art focusing on pregnancy, children of canon characters, or with the A/B/O trope.

And now onto the specific fandoms. Please note that prompts may be spoilery. Also, I tend to go rather light on prompts, because if I had particular ideas, I'd write them myself! If none of my vague ideas appeal to you, I assure you that as long as you incorporate things I have said I like, and avoid things I have listed as dislikes, I will be happy with whatever you choose to create.

17776: What Football Will Look Like in the Future - Jon Bois (Juice, Nine, Ten)

I love the space probes: confident older sister Ten, newly-sentient Nine, and that endearing jerkface, Juice. Anything about Ten and/or Juice before the events of 17776, or about any of them after Nine wakes up again, would be lovely. They could be observing and commenting on Earth events, or on celestial events elsewhere, or bringing another space probe to wakefulness. Maybe aliens arrive! Maybe the players of game 96249 finally figure out a clever way to get out of the damn Colorado River canyon! Or maybe, far in the future, Nine or Ten is about to get too far away to communicate, and everyone has to mournfully say goodbye before that happens.

I'm not sure how tricks and treats would differ here, but I'm fine with either, as described in my 'likes' section. I prefer happy works in this fandom, but if you're inspired to write something sad, that's fine, too.

I am not asking for art in this fandom because I really don't know what I could prompt for these characters (I don't care for the anthropomorphic versions - these are space probes!) but if you feel inclined to treat, a collage or animation in the style of the original work would be amazing, and don't feel you need to stick to the characters.

Please use the established gender identities of the probes, although you're welcome to make Nine decide to be/have decided to be either male or female. (As per Bois: "Some of y’all noticed that Ten once referred to Nine as “she,” which was an accident on my part that I edited out once I realized it. Nine is presently non-binary. That could change someday, as Nine is still pretty new at being a person.") Please use 'they' pronouns for Nine if they remain nonbinary, and for any other nonbinary characters you might choose to invent.

Britannia (TV) (any)

This is a very weird show and I am there for any amplification on its weirdnesses! I would love to see any characters haunted by ghosts, either ghosts of the characters who died during this season or others. The druids seem to have some real magic, and anything related to that would be cool. My favorite characters are Cait, Kerra, and Divis (the outcast); I'd especially like to see Divis teaching Cait magic, or Islene (or others from Cait's village) haunting Cait, or Kerra's ghost coming to Cait in a dream, or Kerra (or anyone else) haunting Aulus. Queen Antedia and Kerra meeting in the afterlife! Divis or Veran doing something druidically weird! Aulus being the crafty Roman general he is and trying to figure out the Druids and the tribes. But seriously, ANY character. Happy or sad endings are fine (but please don't kill Cait).

For art, I really love the spooky surreal psychedelic feel of the show, and the arrays of tattoos the Britons have, and the gorgeous scenery porn (which, okay, is apparently the Czech Republic).

Jane, Unlimited - Kristin Cashore (any)

What I liked best about this book is the way that it begins in what is seemingly our normal world (though later it's revealed to be an alternate!) and then gradually gets stranger and stranger, through various possible endings. I would love to see any of these "sub-worlds" explored further, or adventures in a completely different world.

I ship Jane/Ivy and would love to see how their relationship progresses after the end of any of the possible futures. A more trick-like take would be the future where Jane’s trapped by Tu Reviens - maybe she and Ivy correspond in some weird way, or maybe Ivy figures out how to get her out! Or an adventure in any of the book’s realities, or a new one that you’ve invented - or even in our world, where Kermit is, get this, green. One of the reviews I saw pointed out that each section is actually in a different genre, so I’d love to see another possible future in yet another genre. It would be awesome to learn more about Ivy’s secret-agent life, or see her using her Scrabble powers for good in some wacky way. Or something about Jane making umbrellas, or seeing the ghosts of her parents, or her relationship with Jasper in the world he's from. I'd also love to learn more about Aunt Magnolia, either her pre-canon adventures or her new life.

There are a lot of great art possibilities too: miniature velociraptors? One of Jane's umbrellas? One of Aunt Magnolia's photographs? Or anything having to do with the artwork in Tu Reviens.

I'd prefer a mostly-happy ending, though I'm okay with a bit of bittersweet or horror. Please don't break up Jane and Ivy or kill just one of them, though if you decide to go use the horror future, it's okay if Jane remains trapped. (*sniff*) As the novel is in present tense, if you’re creating fic feel free to write in present tense, but don’t feel obliged to, either.

The Last Kingdom (TV) (Leofric, Hild)

The relationship between Leofric and Uhtred speaks to my Sutcliff-shaped id. The young warrior and the old grizzled veteran he idolizes, who first scoffs at his ability, then teaches him, then offers to fight him to the death so he will die in battle as a Dane should, rather than by execution, then fights shoulder-to-shoulder with him until he falls. I ship them, and I would love seeing Leofric's ghost haunting Uhtred! Or haunting Alfred, which would be a serious test of faith, wouldn't it. Or even Mildrith, or Odda, or anyone else. Basically: Leofric haunts anyone. Or zombie!Leofric coming back to fight alongside the Saxons! Or, you know, he could be alive, whatever. :-) Any moment in battle, or preparing to fight Uhtred, or drinking.

I also really love Hild, the nun-turned warrior. I'd love to see her learning to fight, moments from her lessons with the sword. Her combination of faith and fierceness appeals to me a lot. It would be cool to read (or see an illustration) of her personal mental and emotional journey, or her being in battle for the first time in which she can defend herself, or defending other women or children. If you want to go full-on supernatural, maybe she has visions in which she sees or hears angels guiding her. I think the end of S2 was ambiguous and like to imagine she survived, but it's possible she was killed when the Danes took Aethelflaed, so maybe she becomes an angel or a ghost or some sort of supernatural guide to Uhtred (or Aethelflaed!)

Happy or sad works are fine in this fandom. I have read the first book and seen both seasons of the show.

For art, I like the gritty, dark feel of the show, and the sense that you can smell the cook-fires and get your feet wet in the marshes. It's not very pretty, but it's visceral. I would particularly love a drawing of Leofric or Hild in battle, or Leofric drinking, or Hild praying.

Old Kingdom - Garth Nix (Original Clayr, Sameth)

I love the way Charter Magic works in this series, and the sharp delineation between the magical places and unmagical places in this world. I like unexpected consequences and accidental manifestations of magic.

For Sameth, I'd be specifically interested in seeing art or reading fic about his calling as Wallmaker. Maybe he can build new paperwings, or build a new boat like Finder, in addition to making swords and repairing/creating Charter Stones. I also vaguely ship Sam/Original Male Clayr if this inspires you - and man, would I ever love art of that. I'm fine with Sam/Ferin if that's your thing, but DNW Sam/Nicholas, please.

If you've offered Original Clayr and have something in mind, feel free to ignore my prompts! I'd particularly like to see or read about the things we don't get to see much of in the books but that must be there - Clayr rangers, Clayr boatkeepers, Clayr paperwing pilots. The spooky seeing-the-future ability of the Clayr fascinates me, as does the weird and mysterious dwelling in the Glacier, based on all the strange places and things Lirael discovers - I'm sure there must be more! Unless you're writing/drawing Sam/Clayr, I'd prefer a female Clayr. (I am fine with Sam/female Clayr, but I would prefer that pairing with a male Clayr.)

For art, I'd love to see your take on Charter Magic, on what the signs look like, or what it looks like when they are cast. I would love to see any location mentioned in the books, particularly the Clayr's Glacier, the Abhorsen's House, the Wall, and the bridge to the north.

I would prefer happy works in this fandom.

The Shining Company - Rosemary Sutcliff (Prosper, Faelinn)

I love the enemies-to-shieldbrothers trope these guys embody in the book. I don't require a fix-it for Faelinn's death (though that would be amazing), and bittersweet is okay. Either happy or unhappy works are fine with me.

If you've matched on this, you've offered both characters. I ship Prosper/Faelinn but am fine with gen. I would love Faelinn haunting Prosper, literally or figuratively (which would be great art). Or a Faelinn lives AU. Or a missing scene from that last desperate night of battle. Or they finally get together in the afterlife.

But you don't have to write both characters. I'd love Faelinn backstory - how did he come to be part of the company? Why did he freak out during the mock attack? I would also love to read or see post-canon Prosper. His adventures in Constantinople with Cynan would be amazing - I don't particularly ship Prosper/Cynan but I wouldn't mind it, or pair him with an OC, either slash or het. Or gen - gen is great!

For art, I'd love to see Faelinn haunting Prosper, as I mentioned above. Or an illustration grounded in canon: Faelinn's earring, or Prosper's knife, or the scene at Epona's Leap, or Prosper and/or Faelinn in battle.

Wiedźmin | The Witcher (videogame) (Sylvia Anna | Syanna)

The sisters reconciled in my ending, but of course it makes me wonder what happened to Syanna afterward? Did Anarietta pardon her? Exile her? Imprison her again? I also sort of ship her with Ciri - maybe Ciri comes to visit Geralt in Toussaint and meets Syanna, or maybe they met while Syanna was in exile. Or write or draw something about her years in exile before the events of the game, or even wee!Syanna in the Land of a Thousand Fables. (Or even grown-up Syanna there!) If you want to go dark, give me something, art or fic, from the bad ending where the sisters die in each others' arms - maybe they finally become reconciled in the afterlife? Or the ending where Detlaff kills her (and she's not rescued by the ribbon); perhaps her shade haunts Anarietta, or Detlaff, or someone else. DNW Geralt/Emhyr and Geralt/Ciri, but I'm fine with any other background Geralt relationship, and I would prefer if Ciri appears and is in a relationship not with Syanna that it be f/f.

I'm requesting either tricks or treats, and either happy or sad works. But a trick can totally be a happy one, involving the supernatural. And Syanna's canon relationship with Detlaff totally qualifies - what is it like being a vampire's lover? Or did she not know?

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festathons, dear writer

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