Welcome to those of you who I have recently "met"! My policy is to give all subscribers access, as pretty much the only posts I lock are uploads of things that I don't want generally available, or things that I want to limit to a specifically fandom audience.
A little intro so you know what you're getting into: I'm female, over fifty, married with one cat. I live in southwest Colorado, which is the best place to live. (I am a major stan for Colorado. I did not grow up here, but my husband did, so I claim I'm a native by marriage.) I am a science nerd and work in climate modeling fabricating scary numbers to promote the global warming hoax. I am generally outdoorsy and athletic (I was a freelance outdoors-travel journalist for a while), and I like to travel and do adventure stuff, though I don't post much about RL here. (I do have a separate real-name journal in which I mostly post about running, travel, and other outdoorsy pursuits. It is not difficult to discover, and I don't mind if you find it on your own.)
I have a lot of hair. (It is not actually made of snakes, nor is it green.)
Fandom-wise, I'm really not into any particular fandom these days, though I miss those obsessive fandom feels and hope to fall into a new fandom at some point. Most recently I've been into the Witcher (videogames, 2 and 3, though I've read five of the books and watched the new Netflix TV series). Most of the fandoms that interest me are Yuletide-sized book fandoms. I read voraciously (mostly SF, fantasy, historical fiction, history, biography, and pop science) and do a Wednesday books post nearly every week, and also
post at Goodreads. We don't actually have cable or a television antenna, so all my TV viewing is via the net, either Amazon Prime, Netflix, or files that fall off the back of the internet, which means I'm typically behind current seasons of the few things I watch. I like to cook, especially baking. I like to eat. I drink epic amounts of tea as well as wine and beer in, um, I think it's moderation but it's probably a very generous definition of moderation.
These days I feel like I engage in fandom mostly through tag wrangling - I became a tag wrangler in early 2018 - and through doing fanwork exchanges. I co-mod
sutcliff_swap, and in 2019 I became a Yuletide tagmod. I get a quiet pleasure in working behind the scenes, though I also enjoy participating!
In conclusion,
here is my current cat, Lucy:
She is a pretty good cat despite having an oddly short tail and (more critically) preferring my husband's lap to my own.
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