Dear Yuletide Writer!

Oct 01, 2016 14:49

Thank you for writing a story for me! As long as you generally stick with things I like and avoid things I dislike, I will love your story even if it doesn't take on any of my prompts, which are only suggestions. I am
Isis on AO3.

Some general stuff about my tastes: I like historical (if appropriate) and worldbuildy detail, scenery porn, what-if AUs, original characters (along with, not instead of, any requested ones), time travel, bodyswap, ghost/afterlife stories, mythological and supernatural elements, and magical realism. As you can probably tell from my specific fandom details, the setting and worldbuilding are as important to me as the characters, so I'm not a fan of AU that completely changes the setting, but if you have a brilliant idea, go for it; I would prefer "interesting" to "mundane" AUs, e.g., in SPAAAACE yes, coffeeshop no. (Coffeeshop in SPAAAACE, okay!). Except as noted, I would like happy endings and no major character death.

Sex and relationships: Please don't break up any mentioned relationships or add in any non-canonical relationship. Explicit sex okay, non-explicit sex is okay, no sex is okay, but any sex should be in believable language for that era or fandom. UST, gen, whatever. It's all good. I am open to PWP, but I need at least a little context that establishes the world and those characters. I also prefer sex scenes that focus on emotions and perceptions rather than on the mechanics of what goes where, and I am rather vanilla in my preferences where kink is concerned: mouths, hands, genitals, toys, all are fine, but I'm not into BSDM or bloodplay or watersports or anything that might get a special tag.

Characters: The characters I've chosen are the ones I want the focus on, but, o writer mine, the choice of what kind of story to write and who to include in it lies with you. Feel free to take things in whatever direction you like and/or include characters I haven't mentioned, including original characters, but if I've requested multiple characters I want all of them to appear unless I explicitly say otherwise for that canon.

Crossovers: I love crossovers, but if you choose to write one, please make sure (either through checking my fic, tags ['reading' will find books, 'viewing' will find movies and TV shows; also you can check Goodreads for books], asking my friends, or asking the mods to ask me) that I know the other source. I have a particular soft spot for crossovers with real historical characters.

Style: I generally prefer plot (as in, things happening; doesn't have to be elaborate or long - as contrasted with character studies), past tense (either first person or third person - I don't like second person), and lots of dialogue. But these are preferences, not hard DNWs, and if you have a brilliant idea that requires second person or present tense, go ahead. My only hard preferences are for conventional pronouns, capitalization, and punctuation.

And now onto the specific fandoms. Please note that prompts are spoilery!

The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham (any)

I'll be upfront here: what I really want is post-canon (or canon period elsewhere) worldbuilding. Feel free to use any of the nominated characters (Bill, Josella, or Susan), or your own original characters. This canon is an exception to my characters requirement, in that I would be perfectly fine with original characters only, as many of my prompts imply. This canon is also an exception to my happy ending requirement, as I am up for either plucky survivors reclaiming their world, or bleak despair and the end of humanity. I'd love to see any of these ideas explored:
  • The colony on the Isle of Wight makes contact with other colonies by radio, and listens in horror as one after another falls to the triffids - water turns out to be no barrier - and they know ultimately they will fall, too. (The On the Beach scenario!)

  • The mainland has fallen silent and dark. The colonists send out a scout or several to find out what has happened.

  • We know what happened in Britain after the meteor shower; what happened in the US, or any other country?

  • A scout from the US (or another country) comes to the Isle of Wight.

  • Triffid POV! If you can pull it off, that could be amazing.

The Diviners - Libba Bray (Memphis, Theta)

I love the Roaring 20s setting of this series, the diverse gifted characters pursuing their dreams against the anti-immigrant and racist mainstream of the era in this (somewhat AU) United States. Theta and Memphis particularly interest me, because they are both rebelling against their backgrounds, both in the lives they have chosen to pursue, and in their relationship with each other. I do like all the characters in this series, and ship Evie/Sam, Mabel/Jericho, and Henry/David Cohn as implied at the end of book 2, so if you want to bring any of these in, feel free. Some possibilities:
  • Theta finally admits her past (and her power) to Memphis - or doesn't, and he finds out anyway

  • Theta's past catches up with her ("For Betty - found you"!!!!), and Memphis has to save her

  • Memphis' past (his life as a healer, or as a numbers runner) catches up with him, and Theta has to save him!

  • Memphis' relatives disapprove very much of Theta

  • Any kind of casefic/Diviner shenanigans

The Man in the High Castle (TV) (Nobusuke Tagomi)

This is mostly a worldbuilding request, based entirely on the scene where Tagomi, holding Juliana's necklace, closes his eyes and wakes up in what is apparently our world - an alternate history, to him. I've read the book, in which The Grasshopper Lies Heavy is a book written mostly by the I Ching, but the TV version (plus that one scene) intriguingly suggests that the 'alternate' history in which Japan and Germany didn't win WWII and partition the US somehow exists, and is being filmed and sent back to the show's 'ordinary' reality. So really, my only idea for this is Tagomi in 'our' world. I realize that this is going to be completely jossed in mid-December, but please, I don't care, I won't watch the second season until January, so I want to see what he does, what he thinks, how he reacts. Some ideas:
  • Tagomi encounters the alternate-world version of any of the other characters

  • Tagomi encounters the alternate-world version of himself

  • Does he decide that this might be better for everyone? Or does he feel that he must somehow protect his reality and keep it from transforming into something like this one?

  • How are the Grasshopper films made and sent back to the reality of the show? Maybe Tagomi blunders into the filming and when he returns he sees himself in one of the films?

  • How does he get back to his reality? Or maybe he doesn't?

Sorcerer to the Crown - Zen Cho (Paget Damerell | Poggs, Robert Henry Algernon Threlfall | Rollo)

I enjoyed the pseudo-Regency magical romance, sure, but I have to say that my favorite characters were Damerell and Rollo, the debonair, indolent dandy and his cheery, apparently none-too-bright companion...who turns out to be a freakin' dragon! I totally ship them, but I'm fine with friendship fic if you'd rather - though please, don't ship either of them with anybody else or break up their relationship. Some ideas:
  • Any or all of: How did they meet? How did Rollo become Damerell's familiar? How did they become lovers?

  • How does having a dragon for a lover even work?

  • Damerell's examination to become a sorcerer - how did it go?

  • It seems as though Rollo's identity as a dragon is something kept fairly secret. How does he manage this?
  • Rollo introduces Damerell to his family - particularly the fearsome Aunt Georgiana
  • Sorcerer shenanigans in England or another country, or even Fairyland

Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
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yuletide, dear writer

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