things that aren't reading

Sep 30, 2016 13:01

I looked at my journal and it's basically all book posts. Which - I guess that represents the bulk of my fannish activity, even though reading isn't strictly fannish. But hey, tis the season for other fannish things, so I should dust this thing off and post...something.
  • In other than reading media news, we are about halfway through S2 of The Americans. We're not exactly marathoning it - we watch two episodes at a time, maybe every other evening. I'm a little surprised that we're enjoying it as much as we are, since it's not our usual fare, but the complexity of the intertwining threads of story along with the reminders of real-world people and incidents that we both remember from that era are big draws.
  • Trick or Treat! I haven't done more than poke at my assignment (it's a matter of too many ideas rather than too few) but I was idly going through the sign-ups and one prompt caught my eye enough that I started a treat. Then the next day, pinch hits went up, and one of them was for the person I was treating, so I officially snagged that one. I am a bit boggled (and delighted) that I already have two(!!) gifts in the collection!
  • Yuletide! I am industriously working on my letter. I am also refining what I'm going to offer. I'm helping out again this year with the letters spreadsheet, and as usual I plan to offer beta reading on the beta-reader's spreadsheet. Which reminds me that I should mention my perennial offer: if you're on my flist (or I 'know' you otherwise), I will beta-read any fairly short Yuletide fic (say, under 3000 words) whether or not I know the fandom.
  • Let's see, other news. I've been wrestling with my computer over the past week as the most recent Microsoft Windows 10 update (I think it must be the 'anniversary edition') slowed everything to a crawl. After attempting to discover whether other Lenovo users had this problem (the answer appears to be 'no, but they have other problems') I finally rolled back the update and wow, my computer seems so much faster! But I'm not thrilled about having to stop updating. I have already done this with Firefox (I had to roll back to 45 when 46 made all my fonts turn into dot-matrix; I test-installed the current version, 49, but it's still not playing well with my video card, or whatever it is that causes this problem) and now I have to do it with the OS. Boo.
  • The natural gas company has been replacing their lines around town, and unfortunately they've been working in the alleyway right outside my home office. Heavy equipment going THUMPA THUMPA THUMPA all damn day. It shakes the house, seriously. The cat is even less amused than I am.
  • Imzy exists. It is a thing, I have an account, I even have a personal community with which I have done zero yet (as you might guess, it is 'Isis'). I look over at that tab when I think about it, but...I haven't gotten into the Imzy thing very much. Though if I can help fandom move away from Tumblr I would happily start using Imzy more, because it's way more to my taste. But still, I am not particularly invested in it. If you're using it a lot, let me know, talk me into it!

Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
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festathons, meanderings, imzy, viewing, yuletide

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