
Jan 04, 2016 15:32

  • I no longer feel like death, hooray! So I am starting to make inroads on sending non-Christmas cards. Hopefully I will get them out before they are Independence Day Cards. (And, thanks,
    ambyr, got yours! Also, I have finally started drinking
    krait's teas, now that I can taste them. That rose blend is delicious!)
  • For #ITPE (which I believe stands for Informal Twitter Podfic Exchange?)
    lunate8 podficced one of the Raven Cycle Yuletide stories I wrote last year, the T-rated Ronan/Adam(/Cabeswater) story A Strange, Wild Kingdom. You can find it here: A Strange, Wild Kingdom [Podfic]. I don't usually listen to podfic these days, but I'm looking forward to listening to this one as it's got Gwenllian singing.

  • I need to finish my Chocolate Box sign-up! ETA: done. Now I have to finish my letter.... I'm rather boggled at how many sign-ups there are already. It should be a lot of fun, though - lots of bite-sized stories and sketches.
  • While paging through the menus to watch something else, I noticed that a second season of Mozart in the Jungle was released on December 30th! This is an Amazon Prime show starring Gael García Bernal, 10 half-hour episodes per season, and it's sort of like Slings & Arrows but about symphony orchestra rather than theatre. (And not quite as good, but then, nothing is.) I'm looking forward to watching it!
  • Speaking of watching, we finally got out to see the new Star Wars movie! I was delighted with all the call-outs to the original (which I saw at age 13 with my school Science Fiction Club on opening day, at the Uptown Theater in Washington DC). I swear, every time there was a reference (like the fight on the catwalk, or the cantina scene, or even just seeing Leia and Han again) my heart overflowed.

    And about Leia - after seeing articles about Carrie Fisher being dinged by the public for having the temerity to age, I was really expecting a lot worse. She looks damn good for 59. Though I have to admit that I really had to suspend my disbelief when Darth Junior took off his mask, because how in hell did such nice-looking parents have a kid that looks like a young Severus Snape?

    I don't see myself getting involved in the fandom at all. Rey was cool, Finn was adorkable, and Poe was mostly absent, but I'm not interested in shipping any of them. Actually, the most plausible pairing to me (I mean really, it jumped right out at me!) is Han/Chewbacca. Um. Anyway, I don't really have any stories to tell myself, but I'm looking forward to the next movie!
  • I need to do one of these year-end memes, if only the writing year in review, since I've done something like that each year that I've had any real output. And I keep eyeing the more personal ones, because even though I generally keep my non-fandom life out of this journal, I've enjoyed reading the reviews I've seen on my flist.
Happy Return To Work After Holiday Monday, everyone. (Except of course for the antipodeans who have already bt, dt.)

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cards, festathons, meanderings, viewing, audiofic

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