dear chocolatier!

Jan 04, 2016 13:36

Dear writer or artist! Thank you for offering to create a fanwork for one of these sources. Please be reassured that I will be equally happy whichever you choose, and whether you write or draw, because I love all these worlds and these characters very, very much.

Some general stuff about my tastes: For written works, explicit sex (slash, het, or femslash) is okay, non-explicit sex is okay, no sex is okay, but any sex should be in believable language for the source, and there should be more to the story than just PWP. UST, gen, whatever. It's all good. For art, I prefer R-rated art to NC17-rated art, and I'm totally happy with G-rated art.

I have made some prompts and suggestions, but feel free to take things in whatever direction you like and/or include characters I haven't mentioned. I like: historical/worldbuildy detail, scenery porn, non-explicitly-detailed sex, ghost stories, supernatural elements, what-if AUs, original characters. My favorite tropes are time travel, bodyswap, and afterlife stories, though I'm perfectly happy with an entirely canonical scenario. In general I'm not a fan of AU that completely changes the setting, but if you have a brilliant idea, go for it; I would prefer "interesting" to "mundane" AUs, e.g., in SPAAAACE yes, coffeeshop no. (Coffeeshop in SPAAAACE, okay!).

I prefer past tense to present tense narration except as noted. I am happier with AU in art than in fic. I am totally fine with simple portraits, though if you want to show the characters interacting, I have a soft spot for art in which one character is doing something typical-but-alarming, and the other is rolling his or her eyes, or reacting with horror, or getting ready to douse them with a bucket of water, or whatever.

Code Name Verity - Elizabeth Wein
Julie Beaufort-Stuart/Maddie Brodatt

(Art requested only) I would love an illustration of these two either together during canon, or one thinking about being with the other either during or after. Or Julie's ghost haunting Maddie (in a good way). I adore afterlifey stuff like that. Airplanes optional but also adored.

Some prompts: together in a cockpit (either flying or, you know, 'flying'); Julie staying strong during her captivity by thinking of Maddie; Maddie lying in a field with Julie's warm and comforting arm around her, whether real or ghostly.

Crossover Fandom
James Flint (Black Sails)/Lord John Grey (Outlander)

(Fic requested only) Okay, you have to slip the timeline a little, but Lord John was canonically governor of Jamaica for a while... Naturally this would be post-Thomas (alas).

I am drawn to this crossover because Lord John is both an intelligent, well-read man and a soldier (not to mention canonically homosexual!) and seems to me like the sort of person who could bring out the best in Flint, make him remember who he was when he was James McGraw and loved Thomas Hamilton.

Some prompts: Flint's ship captures the one Lord John is on; Flint chases someone (Vane?) to Jamaica and requests Lord John's assistance (which leads to other things la la la).

The Divine Cities Series - Robert Jackson Bennett

Ashara "Shara" Komayd & Turyin Mulaghesh
Ashara "Shara" Komayd & Olvos
Sigrud je Harkvaldsson & Ashara "Shara" Komayd

I would love a glimpse of any of these people either during or (even better) post-book. Shara and Mulaghesh corresponding in the wake of Shara's coup. Shara encountering Olvos in Saypur at the very moment she needs advice. Sigrud getting Shara out of hot water - or vice versa. I am all right with present tense in this fandom, since that's the style of the source.

And man, I would love to see any of these in art, as portraits or in action. (With Olvos either in human form, or not!)

I am probably not going to get a chance to read City of Blades in the three weeks between its release and story reveals. (I might! But I might not.) I am okay with small spoilers but prefer no huge ones.

Some prompts #1: Letters between Mulaghesh and Shara after Shara returns to Saypur. They meet on a tropical island for a well-earned vacation and trade stories. The other character's POV on any scene in the book, or a missing scene.

Some prompts #2: An encounter with a mysterious person who Shara later realizes is Olvos. Shara in desperate need for advice tries a miracle and finds herself talking with Olvos. A missing scene from the book in which Shara interacts with someone that she doesn't know yet is Olvos, but the reader can infer this.

Some prompts #3: Sigrud battling a creature and Shara doing what she can to help on the miraculous side. Shara and Sigrud trying to decide what to do about a political threat. A missing scene from the (first) book, basically anywhere. (I got an amazing prequel novella for Sigrud & Shara for Yuletide, so I feel guilty asking for more! But I love their relationship.)

Turn (TV 2014)
Mary Woodhull & Anna Strong
Edmund Hewlett/Anna Strong
Caleb Brewster/Benjamin Tallmadge (Turn)

A moment from Mary and Anna's cautious developing friendship (maybe during the time Anna's living at Whitehall?); a moment from Edmund and Anna's cautious developing courtship (I SHIP THEM, and Hewlett has shown himself to be resourceful and thoughtful, and more caught by circumstance than a true Loyalist); a moment of Caleb and Ben's deep affection as they work together to help the rebels.

Some prompts #1: Anna helping Mary with the baby, and bonding; Anna defending Mary (or vice versa) to Mr. Woodhull, or to anybody else in Setauket.

Some prompts #2: Edmund and Anna on a "date", so to speak. Anna subtly (but honestly) trying to turn Hewlett to the cause of independence. Simcoe does something awful to Anna, and Hewlett beats him up, hooray!

Some prompts #3: A quiet night in the Rebel encampment. One rescues the other from a Loyalist ambush. A third party (Washington? Abe?) observes them together and draws conclusions, either wrong or right.

The Watchmaker of Filigree Street - Natasha Pulley
Katsu & Keita Mori

I ship Thaniel and Mori, so you're welcome to include Thaniel. But I adore Katsu (who made it out of the rubble "alive", right? RIGHT?) and would love something pre-canon or during the book, maybe with Katsu's randomness delighting Mori, because here's something he can't predict! And I'd just love art with Mori watching Katsu doing something weird and mechanical, or crawling on him, or, you know, something.

Some prompts: Katsu wandering over Mori's body. Katsu meets a dog or cat for the first time, and Mori watches, amused. Katsu "rescues" Mori from a situation in a surprising way.

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festathons, dear writer

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