things. And stuff.

Mar 25, 2015 17:06

Thing the first: I am not doing the Wednesday book meme because I am still reading what I was reading last week, with the exception of The Language of Power, the fourth Steerswoman book, which was just as awesome as I had expected it would be. And now we wait for book 5, and I'm really glad I didn't read these books when they were first published, because I probably would have lost interest. Apparently Rosemary Kirstein hasn't lost interest and is actively working on the fifth book, which yay!

Thing the second: I am either still sick or sick again, as although I was well enough to run a race this weekend, I have apparently relapsed. My lungs are full of ick. Bleah.

Thing the third: At the race, we had personalized bibs, with our names or whatever else we asked for when signing up. There were two kids whose bibs read THING 1 and THING 2, which made me laugh!

Another thing: I posted a short Raven Cycle ficlet: Intransitive, which is T-rated Blue/Gansey kissing (and not kissing). This story is sort of a response to the fanon of Blue refusing to let Gansey kiss her (which is one way the scene in Blue Lily, Lily Blue from which I pulled the quote at the beginning can be interpreted, but not the only way), and sort of just something I wanted to do because my long-ass WIP is Blue-centric but mostly (in this part I'm writing now) Ganseyless, and I miss him.

One more thing: I (theoretically) have a cat! As some of you may recall, all my cats were acquired accidentally, from neighbors or friends. One of my neighbors is moving to Hawaii and is unable or unwilling to bring her late husband's cat along. Lucy-the-cat has been here since Monday afternoon, and so far she spends most of her time secreted in the basement where I can't find her, though she has deigned to spend some of each evening running around the living room rubbing against our legs, and some of each night on the bed with us. So somewhere in this house there is a skinny little tabby cat. Maybe eventually she'll let me take her picture. Crossposted from isis at Dreamwidth where there are
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cat, the raven cycle, random silliness, reading, fic

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