it's like my own mini-con!

Oct 12, 2012 15:36

skuf is visiting me, as and my husband conveniently left town (only temporarily, I hasten to add) the day after she arrived (coincidence or conspiracy? YOU DECIDE!) it is like having my own little mini-fan-con, hooray! Well, other than, you know, having to WORK during the day. But! We watched vids last night! We will watch Avengers when her DVD arrives from Amazon, and I will no longer be the only person on the internet who hasn't! We talked about food, which is totally a fandom! We went running, which, okay, maybe not so much. But still fun!

It's sooo nice for me especially since I live out here in Fan Desert. eisoj5 used to live about an hour west of me, but she moved. splix lives four hours south of me, and we had a lovely time together when she let me stay at her place when I flew out of Albuquerque a couple years ago, but of course that's too far away for casual visits. geoviki is about six hours away, and again, she was kind enough to let me stay there when I was passing through, but really, fandom, why can't someone move out here and keep me company? Hmmph.

So, speaking of vids, I have got to recommend one she made me watch: Fascination, a Billy Elliot vid by
charmax. (The streaming version has been removed but it's still downloadable.) It is so happy and bouncy and yay! The editing is brilliant - I especially love the tiny visual echo right around 1:22 of punching the "miners strike" sign and then throwing the rock, and the "word is on your lips" sequence from 1:56, but there's so much done here with the motion, the dancing and running and, just, wow! Yay! I love it!

(Which is totally intimidating me about Festivids. I haven't made a vid in sooo long. Gulp. Still, I signed up. Gulp.)

Also posted on Dreamwidth where there are

gatherings, fandom, recs:vids, recs, viewing

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