anonymous exchanges and guessing games

Dec 24, 2007 23:43

DSSS is up, hooray! Um, I wrote a story. I think it's fairly characteristic of my stories and should be fairly easy to guess, especially since I have thrown caution to the winds and am commenting on the stories I like - I figure, anonymity's not nearly as important as making writers know they are appreciated!

Yuletide is not quite up yet but OMG 2031 stories in 733 fandoms! *boggles* I wrote three stories. Interestingly (well, to me!) one is het, one is slash, and one is gen. Two of them are in fandoms that regular readers of this lj would not be surprised by, but I don't think either is thematically or stylistically typical of my writing. The third story might be guessable from comments I made elsewhere, assuming you happened to see them; I think it's more typical of my writing style than the other two.

Finally, all four stories have something in common (which I totally didn't plan and only realized upon reflection).

Comments are screened. Guess what I wrote and win, um, something. People with insider information, such as betas and franzeska, are ineligible. :-)

And now, to bed.

festathons, guessing games, yuletide, due south

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