blah blah randomcakes

Nov 29, 2007 10:37

I'm in a ridiculously good mood this morning, perhaps because I woke up out of an awesome dream featuring David Marciano. I've got a reception-thingy to go to this evening for a business I'm involved in, and in my dream I was a little late because I was trying to pick what to wear, but it was okay, because David Marciano saved me the seat next to him! And he was all friendly and funny and kind of flirty, asking questions about the business and about the place I live, and we rolled our eyes in unison at my RL acquaintance who was also there and who was ostentatiously taking off her shirt to try to attract his attention, but it didn't work, because he was only interested (in a strictly non-sexual, yet flirtatious way!) in me! HI DAVID YOU ARE ADORABLE IN MY DREAMS.

There is a hole in my cat. She is not happy about this. Last week she got into a fight with another cat, who bit her on the right hip, and she wasn't eating or being very active, so I took her in to the vet on Tuesday. Now kitty sports a fetching shaved circle on her hip, with a healing red hole in the middle, and she gets to choke down antibiotic liquid twice a day. But she's getting better; she asked for breakfast this morning, and for brushing, and she is far perkier than she's been, so, yay.

I had always looked kind of askance at comments on stories that say only, "I am going to go read this now!" but you know, now that I have actually posted a heckuva long story, I totally appreciate them, because of course it took a while before anyone, you know, actually finished reading, and until then, these comments gave me the interactive assurance that I needed that I wasn't just dropping stones into a well. I am delighted at the thinky comments, and I am really looking forward to answering them, because I love talking about my stories. (And I am also delighted at the non-thinky comments! Please don't be intimidated by the people who say lots, because, honestly, a simple "I liked this!" is a totally happy-making response for me. So is, "I mostly liked this, but [X] didn't work for me." This story ate my life for a very long time, and I really do want to know what you all think, and if you don't want to engage me in conversation about it, a short statement is a-okay.)

Sort of on this topic, recent discussions with ignazwisdom and china_shop and ladycat777 have me thinking about writing up more website statistics posts, and also something thinky about lurkers and feedback and fandom interaction. I think this stuff needs to percolate more in my brain before it actually gets posted, though. Plus, I should be writing my DSSS and Yuletide stories, both of which are getting close to the magic 1000-word mark, but neither of which is going to stop anywhere near there.

Oh, and also sort of on this topic, a comment from bibliokat on the Rae story reminded me that I wanted to rec this:

(not a) High School AU! by jadelennox | DS, PG, ficlet, and oh, man, I can't even characterize this in my standard pairing lists. The fanfiction cliches we know and love, applied to the animal characters of due South. In the first section, Diefenbaker wakes up female...and it just gets crackier.

And while I'm reccing, here is a Northern Exposure story that made me happy:

Things That Happen in Cicely by leda_speaks | Various characters and pairings both het and slash, short story, PG13. Fifty teeny snippets (written for a series of challenge prompts) which add up to a picture of life in Cicely.

Um! I am sure there was more I wanted to say! Oh, right, a few random links:

Kitty trying to munch on food, puppy trying to munch on kitty. Nom nom nom. [via cuteoverload]

lizbee has posted an adorable photo of a baby in a squid costume. BABY IN A SQUID COSTUME, people! If there was anything that could convince me to propagate, this might be it. (OMG BABY! SQUID!)

A short and positive article about fanfiction, in Southwest Airlines in-flight magazine via musesfool. It's lovely to see something like this written by someone who actually reads fanfiction! I will even forgive the link to :-)

And that reminds me that I wanted to give a YAY to all my friends involved in OTW and most especially the newly-announced Transformative Works and Cultures journal.

And also, YAY to all my friends who accomplished NaNoAnyThing this month. Or who made darn good efforts, anyway. And I'd better stop now, because this is getting long for a post of random, and if I keep going I will have to tag it with ALL of my tags, which would be kind of ridiculous, wouldn't it?

squid, recs:other, cat, dreams, recs, recs:due south, feedback, interesting pointers

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