I love a man in uniform: Hornblower vids

Jan 13, 2007 20:29

I am going to use my brand-new icon by dar_jeeling, even though there is no due South content to this post. (Although as I said to china_shop, Hornblower is Fraser, kind of.) I've been watching a lot of Hornblower vids lately. Reading the fic, too, but I'm still sifting through what appeals to me and what doesn't, in this fandom. With vids, though, I know exactly what appeals to me: 1) good-looking men in 2) period Naval dress, 3) giving each other meaningful, longing looks, and 4) shooting big guns. Um. Is this sublimation, or what?

I imagine most of these will be old news to those of you on my flist who are in the fandom, but for those of you who aren't but want to see why I'm so entranced, check these out. *subliminal pimp* I mean, the slash jumped out at me while watching the series, but it does so even more in these vids, because without the dialogue, those looks are just....nngh.

For those of you who are BSG fans, I'd like to point out that Jamie Bamber plays Archie Kennedy. Ioan Gruffud as Hornblower ain't bad either, but my particular muffin is buttered by Paul McGann, who plays Lt. Bush. OT3, baby. (Also? My husband guessed this immediately, "I bet he is your favorite." He knows my physical type, oh, yes!)

black_hound has a lot of Hornblower vids, but the only one I really love is Smooth (to the Santana song), Bush/Kennedy. Partly because I love the song, and partly because, GUH. Gorgeous men making eyes at each other. The clip choices in Numb and This Life of Sin (which is sort of a LKBV) - both Bush/Hornblower - are beautiful, but the songs really grate on me.

Another vid that strikes me as pretty (and nicely timed) but that I don't care for the music in is conanthebarbie's Breathless, which is Hornblower/Kennedy. There are a few shots of Bush in there, which make things a little confusing, but mostly it's just Archie and Horatio looking at each other. Mmm.

But my total favorite Hornblower vid so far is the completely gen and absolutely hilarious Fight by kazokuhouou. To the Mortal Kombat theme song, and, hee! It goes on a little long - I would have cut a few repetitions - but the timing with the marching and cannonfire and especially the shouting is very clever.

recs:vids, recs, hornblower, recs:hornblower

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