the internet is for...

Jan 09, 2007 10:43

Yesterday I wrote two ficlets for oxoniensis's Porn Battle:

The Rennie Method | RPF (*hides*), Joe Flanigan/Callum Keith Rennie, 683 words, prompt: easy.
Lethe | SGA, John/Rodney, 557 words, prompt: elliptical.

I'm not very good, I think, at writing (or reading, for that matter) porn out of context. I think it's partly because I don't have an OTP view; I don't accept a priori that John and Rodney (or Fraser and Ray, or Harry and Snape) are, in fact, doing it, so I need a little context - any context - to convince myself. The snippet approach always smacks uncomfortably of Any Two Guys to me. (I think I'm able to read this kind of stuff when I first get into a fandom, but after the initial stage of inhaling everything, I lose interest rapidly.)

I've also discovered that I'm less about the tab A slot B than I am about the associated emotions and feelings. Some of the sexiest sex I've read has been (to my astonishment, when I re-read it) less explicit. resonant8 wrote once in a great post about writing porn that it's all about the yearning, and for me that's very true. So my ficlets are probably closer to being R-rated than NC17, and probably half the words are devoted to set-up rather than sex. Hell, that first one doesn't even have an orgasm.

navel-gazing, ckr, rpf, sga, fic

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