happy fanniversary to me!

Jan 08, 2007 10:23

Okay, so it's really just the fourth anniversary of this lj - I date my involvement with slash fandom from about two months before I started this lj - but "fanniversary" has such a nice ring, doesn't it?

Last year at this time I posted a retrospective on my first three years in fandom. That post also lists my fannish expectations for 2006 - what I was writing and planning to write - and it's interesting (to me, anyway!) to compare them to what I actually ended up writing. The two Wilby stories got written, as did the Urban Legend Challenge story, but everything else (the SGA Academic AU, the Clarke's Law sequels, the Five Duets story, the embarrassing CKR RPF etc.) is either languishing on my hard drive or in a forgotten corner of my brain.

So it's probably not very useful to speculate on what I'm planning to write this year, but I'm going to do it anyway.

Eating my brain
The genderfuckswappy thing (dS) - ~27,500 words at the moment, finished structural fix so I can make progress again, yay. I expect it to hit around 40,000.
Bush/Hornblower story - lots of scenes in my head, need to get writing.

Festathon commitments
ds_harlequin story: "60. It’s love at first sight (of course) but Ray is married now and Fraser doesn’t want to wreck their partnership." Vague idea for this one.
picfor1000 - probably dS gen or Ray/Maggie. Or maybe I'll punt and write PWP.

Things I really want to write, so why are they not being written?
SGA McKay and Mrs. Miller AU - lots of notes, general idea still gelling.
SGA/BvP story - I am probably the only person in the world who wants to read this.
dS/BvP story - have a few pages but they suck.
dS band AU - vague promise to elementalv but I only have a few ideas on it.

This doesn't count spur-of-the-moment writing such as oxoniensis's Porn Battle (where I am eyeing a few prompts, oh, yes, I am!) and flashfiction and stuff like that.

At the moment I'm mostly reading in due South, Wilby Wonderful, and Horatio Hornblower; I am reading small amounts of SGA and Master and Commander, and reading other stuff as I find it, as the whim strikes me.

One reason I'm hesitant to make predictions about 2007 is that if all goes as planned, I'll be away from online fandom March through June, more or less. We'll be taking the sailboat down to the Bahamas again, and I'll have lj access only through internet cafe type places, which are few and far between. (I will have shortwave email, and I'll leave instructions in my lj about how to contact me, for the few people who might want or need to.) The last time I lost touch with fandom, I completely lost interest in Harry Potter, which at the time was the only fandom I was interested in, and thought I would be leaving fandom entirely. Then I got involved in SGA and Master and Commander, and whammo, back into the fold but in a different way. So I don't know what's going to happen this summer.

Here, have a poll.

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