(no subject)

May 11, 2012 12:34

1) I am home sick today because (unsurprisingly) I've caught whatever the kids have had. Low-grade fever, nasty rattling cough and very achy muscles. Calling out on a sunny "weekend" day at work during a one-day-sale when I had a nine hour shift and already called out for all my other shifts this week? Maybe not the best. Good thing I'm thinking I'm not gonna be there much longer anyhow.

2) prisonbreakfic.net is down again? This makes me super duper sad. Hope its up soon because... I need my fix and I've read like 90% of what's on FFN and most of whats on LJ.

3) Was there never a Prison Break blooper/gag reel? Whhyyyyyy??? If I'm just missing it, please someone tell me?

4) Recent kiddo pictures just because it's been a while...

Shawn's "Lincoln Burrows school of fashion" look was unintentional... top buttons were broken. But I LOL'ed at the look pretty hard... Also? Elton John maybe wants his sunglasses back, Shawn. (Scratches are from an epic temper tantrum where he threw himself into his toys. SMOOTH MOVE THERE BUDDY).

5) Off to attempt to write... if that fails I'm having a mini marathon because I really would prefer to be curled up on the sofa anyhow and the kids are at my parents' house...

writing, prison break, shawn, ava, macy's

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