Kinda wish I hadn't had that coffee around now...

Apr 04, 2010 00:35

Happy Easter all! Ava's getting a chocolate bunny this year (which I totally plan to eat the ears off of... Hey, she's 19 months! She needs the help, right?) and my brother and my in-laws are coming over for dinner (Dan's nana, mom, sister and her daughter). It'll be good for her to have some time playing with her cousin (who is only a year and a half older than her) and to see her Grandma Tammy (who lives in Colorado and she's only seen three times, I think) and her Nana. Plus, it'll mean a TON to Dan's Nana to have all three of her great-grandkids together at once. My mom is a saint for inviting them all and cooking for so many people. The weather forecast is kinda nasty, but I don't care if its so cold out that its snowing - Ava is damn well wearing her Easter dress... even if I have to put tights and a long-sleeve shirt under it and blast the heater. Its too cute and will fit her for too short a time. Shawn has the smallest suit we could find, too (for Easter pictures), but I'm afraid it's still too large on him. Darn.

Shawn's doing really well... except with the whole nursing thing. The second lactation consultant we met with described him as "willful," which made me headdesk because its the exact same word the pediatrician used to describe Ava. What is it with my kids?  Both stubborn and opinionated. But... at least they know what they want and go for it? I don't know. Anyhow, we have another meeting with the lactation specialist on Monday, but I strongly suspect that he's going to end up being a formula baby. I just can't dedicate the time to pumping and coaxing him to keep trying to nurse like I did with Ava. It was rough when she was our only kid, but with both of them - and especially with her too little to understand what's going on - I just don't have the time to do it. I'm mostly okay with that. I had one bawling breakdown about it (mostly thanks to crazy post-partum hormones), but I'm pretty good with it at this point. Anyhow, other than nursing, he's WAY easier than Ava was. He sleeps a lot better, burps easier, doesn't get hysterical every time he messes his diaper, doesn't constantly need a pacifier and is usually content to just lie there awake and look around at the world. It's pretty great, really. Ava's being really awesome too, but I feel like I'm already over my parental bragging rights for this post, so I'll talk more about her next time. 
 Mom and Ava visiting us in the hospital after Shawn was born.

 Shawn just after he was born...

 Dan with Shawn

 Me and Shawn with an oddly green/blue hue to the picture (note the difference in Shawn's blanket between this picture and the previous one). My Dad has been playing with Photoshop and is clearly still learning.

I had hoped to have a few newer/better shots up, but they're all on my Dad's comp and he won't share them until he's satisfied that he's Photoshopped them to his liking (its his new hobby). I'd really thought he'd have them done by now... but apparently not.

I still haven't seen this week's Supernatural because my stupid local CW affiliate screwed up their broadcast somehow and the first half had lines through it with only about 2/3rds of the words coming through. I was gonna wait for the CW's site to put it up but I'm losing patience fast (and somehow remain unspoiled for whatever happened, which is VERY STRANGE AND GOOD), so I'm gonna track down a copy elsewhere on the web.

Coffee seemed like such a good idea an hour and a half ago... Course now the kids are both sleeping soundly and I REALLY wish I'd had more foresight than to drink that lovely cappuccino. Alas, my coffee willpower is non-existent. 

visitors that do suck, shawn, ava, holidays, family, spn

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