Title: The Valentines Detour
Rating: PG
Summary: The first thing Leonard does when he gets back from Switzerland is check on Penny.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Big Bang Theory.
Author's Note: For
lavendergaia. Set after The Large Hadron Collision.
The first thing Leonard does when he gets back from Switzerland is check on Penny. He knocks on her door, gently, in case she's still sick and sleeping, but she answers pretty quickly, smiling when she sees him.
"Hi!" she says, excitedly, kissing him and giving him a strong hug. He smiles and hugs her back. "How was the hydrogen collider thingy?"
"Actually, it's the Large Hadron Collider, and it was actually really fascinating, you see-" And he does see the blank look on her face so he stops and says, "Nevermind, it was great." She smiles. "The rest of the trip on the other hand..."
"Raj wasn't good company?" she asks.
"Until he got drunk and started hitting on all of the Swiss women in sight, yeah, but...compared to who I could have been spending that time with...it was kind of a letdown."
"Aw, honey." Penny pulls him close and he thinks, for the hundredth time since they've started dating, how lucky he is. Because Penny is beautiful, but she's also an amazing, kind person. He would have been lucky to have just met her and been her friend, but dating her...
"I just...wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with you," he tells her.
"Me too," she replies, standing back. "But I'm all better now, so maybe you could come in and make it up to me?" She smirked and pulled him into her apartment by his shirt. Leonard went without even a hint of hesitation, dropping his bag in the hallway outside Penny's door, where it sat all day, night, and well into the next morning.