Feb 13, 2008 23:27
I just got an email from the Spanish-speaking Couch Surfing community and I'm pleased to say that I actually understood most of it. At least enough to get the gist. Hooray! This doesn't necessarily mean that I could say anything to anyone if I needed to, but we'll see. I'm pretty excited about the prospect of staying with an actual Italian person and getting to know the local scene, but it's funny/odd/so typical that all of the Italian folks who have couches available also happen to be 30 year old men with sexy poses on their profiles. It'll be fine at any rate, they're definitely real people and Alex will be there too. Oh yeah, I bought my ticket to Italy. Important detail, silly me! I'm excited for the trip, but I only have a million things to do before then, like, oh, graduate. You know, the usual.