[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.48 Ephemeral

Jun 22, 2016 22:21

Continuing posting the translation bash~

**please keep in mind that each Maquia's interview was probably made 1 to 2 months before its release date**
This means that an issue released on June 2015 was probably done in May or even April. Some words might have deeper meanings, but some others maybe don't.
Please keep in mind release/interview month when reading.
Please read Kame's words, thoughts, and feelings.

ps: thanks to @scorch66 who, as always, read them and kindly fixed my non-native English :)

Published on Maquia 2015.08, released on April.


What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

Vol.48 儚さEphemeral

「All people and things are an ephemeral existence. Because they can't keep existing without changing in the passing time」

When my birthday was coming closer and I went to a restaurant I often go to, I received a surprise cake. This year my birthday was celebrated in many places. Thinking about it, it's the last of my twenties. With new challenges and encounters as nourishment, I'll accomplish everything through to the end!

When I go back home, I'm alone. I hide myself in the kitchen and drink in the candle's light. What's playing in the background is the sweet but dark and melancholic music of The xx or Kinoko Teikoku. I feel healed after such an ephemeral time. I wonder if my roots are dark (laughs)

The “fleetingness” is always on my side. This job is like the ending fireworks of a festival. All projects have a time limit. Even a production you pour your feelings into, even members whom you’ve deepened each other's trust with; you can't continue the same thing forever. I soak in the melancholy for a moment and then continue to the next one. After the drama I took part in for the first time when I was 13 years old, “3 nen B gumi Kinpachi sensei”, I bursted into tears for this reason. It was like a real school, and once the drama ended, everything ended. I was feeling as if I would never go back to that studio. Now, though, I can think “I'll come again” (laughs)

But you know, although I got used to it thanks to experience, I still feel sad when I cancel that character inside of me. Because a character is like “another self, who I'll never meet ever again”. Especially for the movie “Yokai Ningen Bem”, I was feeling so sad that tears welled up even during the stage greeting. Because the process of internalising an existence so far from reality like Bem had been a big challenge. “Second Love”'s Taira Kei was the same. There was a lot that I had to learn, from dance to languages, and he was a very complicated character to understand on the psychological side as well. As much as the time spent to face him was long and deep, Kei's space inside of me became bigger and bigger. After the filming ended and he was deleted, I'm experiencing a huge sense of loss.

Nonetheless, I'm happy that, through the drama and the character, I could leave on film “the present me” and “the ephemeral time”. This year, since I turned 29, I started to think this even more. I have only 1 year before turning 30! What can I do in my twenties, what can I bequeath. The period after the twenties up to 32-33 years old is a season when men change moment by moment from young men into adults. I'm conscious of that so I can feel its importance even more. It's not that I want to keep my youth. I think I want to properly enjoy the changing me.

If I could have everyone talk about the “Kamenashi of that period”

Some days ago I watched “Shirakawa yofune” [T/N: English title “Asleep”] by director Wakagi Shingo, who is the photographer for this [Kame Camera] serial too. At first I was supposed to watch it objectively, but before realizing it, the girl who's the protagonist was next to me and I watched it with the same sense of distance and point of view of a dating couple (laughs) It's a movie that feels real yet it has an odd ephemeral feeling. I thought it was fantastic that despite being a story, the actor's humanity and energy were impressed in the film as if it was a documentary. One day I want to be filmed in the same way. Though it is difficult, if the image of the TV personality “Kamenashi Kazuya” is strong. But including this too, I want to leave myself as the imprint of a human being on film. Maybe the fact that I wish this is because I know that I myself am an ephemeral existence.

When I watch the movie “Boogie Nights” I sometimes feel melancholic. It's the story of a man that suddenly becomes famous but falls and slowly disappears. Doing this job, there are some parts I naturally overlap with myself (laughs)

But you know, it’s not limited to the entertainment world. I think all things and people are ephemeral. Everyone, in their respective place, wishes to be needed and earnestly lives on, but in being strongly in demand, they become an ephemeral existence to the point that they sweep over the age they're living in. Time flows and everything changes, so there’s no way that the demands and requests made remain unchanged. But that's not something to be sad about. It's OK to live your present self wishing to be needed once again. For example, KAT-TUN of the debut period left a vivid impression on many people. That moment's fleeting us doesn’t exist anymore, but it's fine if the new us will impress in everyone's memories. It's valid for Kamenashi Kazuya as a single person too. It's not only about continuing to shine every moment. I think that from now on there will be ups and downs, but it’s exactly due to this that I can become a new me. I wish to become someone who after some time can be referred to as “Kamenashi of that period was fun”, “This period's Kamenashi was cool”.

Wishing to leave something on film is because I know that I'm an ephemeral existence, as an actor and as a human being.

Kame’s fixed point of observation

Kamenashi-kun watched the movie “Asleep” earlier than anyone, at the preview screening. During this photoshoot too, he kept talking enthusiastically to Wakagi-san, who was the director, and to all the staff, about how much he was touched by that movie! “The actors' visual performance was different from the first and second half of the movie”. To this comment even Wakagi-san was surprised and replied, “actually we edited it in a way to appear like that. As expected you have a sharp sensitivity~!” Despite knowing he had to work just after the movie, “I wanted to soak in the story's world for a bit, so I walked aimlessly in the neighborhood for a while~ (laughs)”
By Maquia

*translation: kame camera, kat-tun, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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