I feel very much like my icon right now.... so many ideas and plans buzzing around in my brain!!! GAH!
since I really need to break up my topics into sections, choose whichever interests you~
First Off :: Getting myself off to a Nunnery...
Well, a gym, actually.... or atleast start walking more. >< if only it weren't so effing cold outside. I've also really got to find someone that won't mind me taking their dog(s) for walks when I'm not volunteering or looking for a job. I'm also gonna start walking in the "deserted" winrock mall during the day... hmmm gives me an idea... invite anime people for walks >.>;; has possibilities~
I finally got myself a bellydance coin scarf, but I've got to modify it for my.... uh... "voluptuous" hips >.>;; I figure I can just pin/sew it to one of my hand-crochet ropes and go from there.... but I really don't want to destroy a $20 belt @~@ so I'm considering making my own...
hehe on a side note, skitty-kitty said she'd go to a belly dance class when we both have monies!! yay! someone to go with me!!
Designing/fashion ~ if only I was more skilled...
The reason I'm trying to walk more is to loose weight (like every other female, ne?) so that I can feel better about wearing some ideas I've been cooking up for cosplay outfits. I love my original take on a white mage, and I really want to expand upon it ^^; i even drew out a design, and it looks cute on a thin model... guh...
And I'm looking to knit most of my outfit because it might actually get done faster than me trying to sew fabric.... for one thing, yarn is a hell of a lot cheaper!!
I'm also considering getting shapewear for myself, just to keep me from jiggling! I know it's unattractive, but it feels even more unattractive than it looks... but my problem is, I want to try it first before I buy. I hate returning things, especially if I order stuff over the net.
On other side note, C-chan is looking for a seamstress who will be willing to custom make a wedding dress for her that looks like
Garnet's "Party" dress.It's gorgeous, but is gonna be a bitch to find someone to do it...
umm... yeah, totally lost my train of thought.... *shrug* with the way i've been feeling lately, it's to be expected ^^;; Ah well....
*dances* one month until Pokemon~! Waii~~