I was on the
Fark boards, reading
the comments to a story about the Big Bang Theory panel at Comic Con. The first poster posted something snarky. I skip over and read through the rest and come to this reply:
nakedcritic 2010-07-26 01:25:02 AM
TimeWaste: It would have definitely been funnier than anything that show has ever produced.
Dude - sorry for the personal message - I know it seems intrusive - but I have to ask you something.
How do you do it?
I mean, it's a flash of brilliance, if you think about it. You saw a thread about something you're not a fan of. Most people would ignore it, because it's not of interest. But not you, you magnificent bastard. No - instead you clicked on the thread, and then proceeded to crap all over the thing that other people enjoy!
Instead of ignoring something and taking some pussified "Meh, live and let live" attitude - you actually took the time to post in a thread - and FIRST, I might add - to pre-emptively tell people that they were wrong for enjoying something.
Sweet mother of Neptune, that has changed my life.
Before you, I didn't think it was possible to be wrong for having an opinion - and yet apparently it is. Thank you for opening my eyes.
I've always enjoyed the program. But now - thanks to your astute and telling Internet post, I see that you are right! Damn! Why have I wasted a handful of hours watching, and foolishly enjoying, this program that isn't enjoyable????
What's wrong with me? Sweet suffering succotash, I am one stupid son of a biatch.
Do me a favor - pm me a list of the programs that I SHOULD be enjoying. This way I won't make an ass out of myself on the Internet again, admitting that I like something that I shouldn't like. Should I be focusing on Burn Notice? Dexter? True Blood? Rescue Me? I like all of these shows (although at the risk of incurring further derision, maybe I should wait before admitting any of that) Let me know what I should be liking, so I can like it. I don't want to appear foolish again. I certainly don't want to appear like the kind of person who has three seasons of "According To Jim" on his TiVo - unless, of course, you happen to like it - in which case I'll be torrenting the shiat out of that program to enjoy its subtle comedic nuance of a fat moron with a hot wife.
I'm not sure if that's funny or enjoyable yet - please let me know.
But in closing - thank you. Thank you for putting millions of people - including me - in our places. Rest assured, I will be contacting you first before I ever enjoy something. I don't want to like the wrong thing.
You're doing God's work - you deserve a sainthood.
PS - sometimes I like Wipeout. Is that ok? Please let me know soon, because it's on in a few days and my parents Golden Anniversary is on the same day, so I need to know which event to prioritize. Thanks in advance.
BRILLIANT! I need to save this for future generations of forum troll!