[and i’m like|
[and all i hear is| Jack's Mannequin- La La Lie.]
so children. what is up. summer '07 is a drag. so far. and currently i am going through, oh about 324908234094 indian music CDs to make a good enough playlist for the party on the 11th.
this is gonna take forever.
winterspring33: you really need to post on urs!
ooh the taste of lays is lingering in my mouth while i fight against them and say, YES, I BETCHA I CAN EAT JUST ONE.
and i have semi-good news. i have stopped caring about nick, or any other guy for that matter. no, i have not changed my sexuality, though that would be weird, but why should i waste my time? chyea, i got lots of it, but seriously, i got 2 years left in this town and no way in hell am i gonna ruin it. SO. I. DON'T. CARE.
this is also because i am inspired from gilmore girls. long story.
so i am CONTEMPLATING if i should play ddr right not oooor in a bit. it's really warm in the living room aand i have to do all this CD thing aaand i have to clean the study cos my mom's all like "LALALALALAL CLEAN THE STUDY ASLDALLALSAL!!" and i'm like jesus christ woman calm down. she is really freaking out now. the shed is almost done and she's worrying about the amount of people who will be staying over on the 11th. ooh at least 5 families and one dog. and of course my mother loves dogs who randomly start licking her beloved cushions. this will be fun.
and avaya's gonna be staying over from the 11th-19th. so that is also chill. and soccer practice starts on the 20th. worried, of course!
and new foreign exchange kid moving across from me on the 18th...so. winkwink? lol.