oh, what a weekend it was.

Nov 07, 2006 13:39

well, i guess i'll start this one off with talking about how much i hate being treated unjustly.  maybe not even that, but when i've been nothing but nice to someone and they turn around and take a big shit right on my face.  if i create problems for myself, no big deal.  i would then be thrust into a situation in which i am forced to cope due to my own actions.  here's the thing.  just because someone else has been treated like a fragile puppy dog their entire life, i have to make unfair sacrifices to appease someone who essentially has nothing to do with me.  it just adds insult to injury when this person just so happens to be a person who i've made an effort to outreach to and be friendly to.  to take it even further, i can't just write someone off.  i don't have the malice in my body to just say "to hell with it."  i will continue to be nice to this person (and not just because it would be in my best interest to).  many people have made my business theirs.  to tell you the truth, the world would be a pretty lonely place if i went around writing off everyone who has messed up something for me.

candace treated me to some delicious sushi yesterday from ichiban, and all i had to do for it was eat a little ol' clump of wasabi.  she's great.  jarsh and i went after that and, after much aimless driving, went to see borat.  after that was over, we snuck in to see the prestige.  can't beat a good ol' two for one.  went home after the movies, got a little about settlers of catan, didn't play it, got confused about a lot of stuff, sorted it all out, and ended up having a good ol' time.  i went for another night at mystique.  'twas fun.

some people really just need to die... well, maybe not die, but at least move toanother country like egypt or something.  soooooo, as a retaliation against me for candace and i being engaged, the plague of the world posts to her myspace blog about how much fun it was to do something with her new boyfriend that we used to do together.  you know, the beauty is that i couldn't really care less.  she really needs to just leave me alone and take a flying leap off the end of the world.  it's bad enough when someone wrongs me without realizing it, but this was a blatant stab with intention to hurt me.  she is pure evil.  it's too bad, you know?  she used to be such a good person, back when she was innocent.  i'm thoroughly convinced that there isn't a single measurement of goodness left in her heart.  well, i've got something in mind for her... i'm going to remove her from my friends list!!!!  BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!  really though, she is dead to me.  i'm putting in my notice at tsd tonight.  finding a new job.

i love my life.

mystique, relationships, jarsh, candace, sushi, amanda

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