Far, far too long....

Sep 26, 2010 14:18

I just realized how long it's been since I posted. I was going through my messages, and I have stuff in there from mid-July...holy crap, that's too long! Y'all must have thought I had abandoned you.

Life has been good to me. I love my new job, in general. There is one duty in the office that I cannot handle...customer complaints when the techs screw up...they're called :field service reports." I can't do them; I tried, and they gave me panic attacks, required blood pressure medication, all kinds of stuff, and one day I walked into the office and said that I just could not do them anymore. They have me doing other things now, and I am being praised for having call statistics in the top 10 of the whole office, beating out people who have been there for years, so I think I found my groove and I can say I officially like it there.

And a recruiter has called my Lovely for an interview, too. Wish us luck?

Bills...the stack is going down. The budget is so, so tight...but it will be worthwhile when I can look back and say that I don't owe a penny to anyone. That time is still far-off, but it's becoming imaginable. Slow and steady, I suppose.

Samhain! I am cooking for Samhain. I am SO excited to be doing this, although as competitive as it's getting, it may be the last time. I mean, Nine Woods is no longer a coven, and we may or may not be hosting Samhain again anytime soon, and maybe it's time I passed the spoon. I don't feel weary of it...I barely got out from Grania's wing two years ago, and have since still had to share the spotlight. Even so, I have grand plans for simple, cheap, but impressive things to eat that I hope will cement my name in memory, and no, there will not be Saxon Pie. And I will always be remembered for bread, so there's that.

I mean, let's face it...it's about service...but you do not take a named post on the flier without some little bit of worry about your legacy and reputation. But I say again, I will always have the bread, so I suppose I'm OK there.

The Sinus Goblin has invaded again, but somehow (knock on wood) I have managed to not become seriously ill this year. I hope to continue this trend. My a1c is up, so it may be time to reconsider the Spark diet...if only dial-up were not a hinderance.

We are researching AT&T...they're trying to decide if they offer service in our neighborhood...by phone number, they say no, but by address, they say yes. It's very strange. Barring that, we will buy a cell phone booster antenna and get Cricket Wireless broadband. Solutions will be found. And you will be able to hear from me more often.

Lovey and I will be doing Moon/Mabon tonight. I have apple crisp in mind for the feasting, too. I wish you all much feasting and joy, and look forward to seeing you at Samhain.

So, I leave you with this thought, as relevant today as when I wrote it two years ago....


Love, light, and health be with you all.

~ Maryam
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