Dec 12, 2005 00:07
My bio prof has a rep for being mean but you know, being the awesome superasian human being that I am, I had to give the I-think-he's-gay man half a chance. So I catch him in the elevator one day, and I actually smiled big and said "hey Professor" in a semi-I-am-not-that-big-of-a-fan-of-yours-but-for-the-sake-of-this-particular-interaction-with-possible-ass-kissin-potential-let's-say-I-am fashion. He BARELY glanced at me, and offered in return - "hm." This was not a 'hm' as in you have a question, not a 'hm' as in acknownledgement, not a 'hm' like a whatever a 'hm' is supposed to be normally, but more like a 'hm - maybe you should fuck off'. At THAT particular moment, I was not about to let the Jet Li within me to get Unleashed like a pack of werewolves in China, and I was not about to RAIN on this fool and let him bear the burden of a thousand angry Zi's. I was gon keep it cool and classy, and we stood there in the elevator - I got a smile of my face, and his face is a piece of shit. Yeah, I kept that face up, but I was really thinking - OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU ARE SUCH A DOUCHE BAG! NO FUCK THAT, YOU'RE NOT JUST A DOUCHE BAG - YOU ARE A BAG OF DOUCHE! YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT - DOUCHE BAG PLUS THE DOUCHE.